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My body swayed with every step he took, the repetitive rocking motion already making my thighs hurt, but didn't say anything. I've never ridden for this long, or truly rode by myself, so we took it slow. This prolonged the trip and I already knew my thighs would hate me for it later.

"I never thought I would be doing this." My breath turned into a cloud of fog as I spoke, a fairly thick layer of snow coated the ground. I inhaled the crisp air, turning my head to admire the land I had never seen before.

"What, ride a horse?" I spoke more of a hypothetical statement but Maverick must have overheard, as he was setting the pace right next me, close enough to to take control of my reins if needed. He taller then me in the first place but his horse was too, taller than mine, so I had to look up to face him. With his signature hat on his head and wide smile on his face, eyes shining as he look at me, I instantly warmed, despite the cold.

"No." I shook my head. "Well, yes." I laughed a bit. I never thought I would ever ride a horse in my life. The closest thing I ever came to a horse before this was the horse power in the flashy sports cars my father indulged in. "I never thought I would be here this long, let alone see him fully recovered." I leaned forward a bit so I could rub is neck and he gave me a knicker, as if he knew I was talking about him.

"Well, I thought he would have a name before being ridden." He teased me and I laughed again.

"One step at time there, Cowboy." I teased back. "I'm focusing on learning how to ride, first." I reached my arm out to gently push him. "I'll be better then you in no time."

"You just might," He agreed, reaching his hand up, he took off his hat. "but you can't be a cowgirl without a hat." He placed it on my head, which was too large and it covered my eyes. Pushing the brim up, I adjusted it on my head so it stayed up. "Now you're a real cowgirl."

"Yee haw." I said and Maverick bellow our a hearty laugh, which made my stomach flutter. After a long while of riding on flat land, the terrain began to incline onto a ridge. The path narrower and Maverick went in front of me, pointing out dips and uneven ground so I would know what was coming. I didn't now he could see them, since the ground was covered in snow, so it must have been muscle memory from him coming here so often.

The ridge was covered in trees, which blocked the view, even though all of their leaves had fallen off, only the pines remaining covered. I was almost disappointed until we reached the top, in which there was a clearing, opening up to reveal the breathtaking scenery.

"It's beautiful." I awed, my eyes never leaving the view.

"Here." Maverick sounded below me, holding his hand out to help me down. As soon as I slid down and my feet touch the ground, my legs wobbled and threatened to collapse, thighs burning. "Woah there." He wrapped his arms around my waist to keep me from falling. He was warm pressed up against me, and smelled of his body was and hay, manly with a hint of sweet.

"I can't feel my legs." I laughed. "How come you aren't like this?" I tried to stand up straight.

"I'm used to it." He laughed. "You good?" His hands still holding me just in case.

"I'm okay." I was able to take a step without falling over. I smiled up at him, face red from the cold and the embarrassment from my lack of coordination. He smiled down at me, lips closed, revealing his smile lines. His eyes though, held something I've never seen before, something I couldn't identify. Although I didn't know what it was, I could feel it. I could feel it in his hands, in his touch, in the space between us. I could see it in his eyes and his smile. Whatever it was, I liked it. It made me feel warm and happy. It made my heart race and my stomach filled with butterflies. I even embraced the nervousness that came with with, loved it even.

"Okay." He removed his hands, taking his warmth with him. "Wait here a moment." I watched as he walked away, securing the horses to a low branch. Although he added distance between us, broke the eye contact and retracted his touch, I still felt as I did a few moments ago.

"Welcome to my private spot." He led me closer to the edge, clearing the snow to reveal a fallen log which we used as a bench. He was smart enough to to bring a blanket, which he wrapped a pair of us, adding an extra layer to protect us from the cold.

"It's so beautiful." The angle at which the sun hit the snow made it glisten, revealing the glitters in the ice.

"It's my little piece of heaven, my solace, if you will." He nodded, eyes also on the landscape. "I come here when I want to think."

He found his peace here, and so did I. I found refuge here, all because I helped out a neglected horse. If it were only August, I would have ended up a veterinarian office and would have never met the Somers family.

Turning my head, I watching as he interacted with Red, happily chewing on branched. He was no longer just skin and bones when I first found him. He was now filled out, healed, and I hope as happy as I am.

"I think I find a Solace too," I away from my horse to look at Maverick. "and he led me here."

At some point in time, our hands somehow found each other's underneath the blanket, his thumb rubbing my skin. My head also found his shoulder, his own on top of mine.

Lifting my head, I turned towards him and he did the same. His eyes, just as before, has that same look, full of that same burning passion. Lifting my free hand, it came in contact which his cheek, which was cold from being exposed the whole time. His one hand tucked a sections of hair behind my ear, coming to rest on my chin. I watched as his eyes left mine to settle on my lips, only to look back up. Leaning in slowly, the passion between us grew stronger, stronger than it ever has before.

That's when our lips met.

Finding SolaceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora