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I could hear someone bound the stairs, footsteps heavy and rushed. Maverick then strolled into the kitchen, hair still damp and shirtless, which had me look away. I could feel my face heat up and I couldn't look at him, though I wanted to.

"Maverick! Go put on a shirt. We have a guest here!"

"Yes ma'am." He grinned, purposely added a heavier southern draw, which made me crack a smile. A phone then sounded, one that had one of those old time rings from the movies, which had all off us looking towards the wall. It was a cord phone mounted on the wall, one I had never noticed before.
"I'll get it." He said as he crosses the room, placing the phone against his ear.
"Somers' residence."
He leaned casually against the wall, hand across his chest and tucked under his armpit.
"Hey Sheriff Gary, how's it going?" He paused, gaining a response before grinning.
"Really? You found him?" He waited again, the grin still prominently on his face.
"That's great! Did he say if he was showing up to court?" He nodded as he listened.
"Okay, well thank you. We appreciate it." They said their farewells before hanging up, Maverick still grinning widely.

"They found the guy."

"Which one?" Mr. Somers asked, sitting down at the table.

"Faylyn's guy. Sheriff looked into the house records and found the guy's name. A Jeffery Hotch. His house was threatened to be condemned if he didn't fix up the place but when he got that notice, he stopped paying his bills and it was foreclosed on him. He took everything with him except his sick animals. He still has others in his possession at the moment."

"So, what does this mean?" I asked, looking around the room.

"This," Maverick walked back across the room, leaning on the kitchen island across from me. "means that he can either surrender the animals to us in court or he can get them taken away and have to pay for their medical treatments. Depending on the situation, he may even have to surrender his current animals as well. It depends on if the judge sees him as unfit to keep animals and treat them correctly."

"That's- well that's great." It truly was something great and she was happy, but she couldn't ignore that sinking feeling in her stomach. She promised herself to see the animals get justice and help, then she would leave. Her time here was coming to an end soon. She couldn't help but feel sad at this moment as well.

He reached out and placed his hand on mine, making my eyes snap up to his, eyes widened. His eyes were warm and kind, his thumb rubbing back and forth across my skin. His touch didn't discomfort me, in fact, it was quite nice.

"That's amazing!" Mrs.Somers boasted somewhere to my left, making me jump and pull my hand back. Maverick looked at his mom with an exasperated look and I could hear Mrs. Somers whisper something back from behind.

"Yep. Just great." Maverick said, tense and terse.

"Oh stop your moping and put on a shirt."

"Okay Ma." He sighed before slipping out of the room. Mrs Somers appeared by my side with a grin on her face. Leaning down to my ear, she whispered, "He's completely smitten by you."

My mouth went dry and I just started at her.
"I- I- what?" She just laughed and turned around. I watched as she shook her head, her blond waves bouncing and returned to stirring whatever she was making.

"Why don't you join us for lunch? Ever since my eldest left, we've had an empty chair. I would love to see a full table again."

"Are you sure?" I didn't want to intrude on the family.

"Oh honey, of course I'm sure. You are always welcome at our table."

I waited downstairs with Mrs.Somers as the cooking was finishing up. Five minutes before the clock turned to 6:30, the boys came down the stairs. They each had their own jobs; to put the plates on the table, silverware, glasses. A few she had never seen before, given she spent most of her time in her room.

"Grab and extra of everything. Faylyn will be eating with us." Mrs. Somers directed me to a chair before sitting down next to me, Mr. Somers sat on her other side. The boys continued to set the table.

"What would you like to drink?" One of the younger boys asked.

"Water is fine, thank you." I responded and he handed me full glass after he filled it. They all finished their respective jobs quickly before sitting in their chairs.

"Do you mind if we say grace?"

"Oh, not at all." They all bowed their heads and closed their eyes, hands clasped in front of them while Mrs. Somers prayed. I heard this from upstairs, each time, her prayer was different. Each time, they came from her heart.

"I don't think you've met all my sons yet." Mrs. Somers said as she placed a bowl of mashed potatoes back in the middle of the table, after she got some.
"My oldest, Elijah, used to sit here. Then there's Maverick, Jasper, Colton, and Jaxson, who is my youngest." She gestured to them as she said their names, moving around the table clockwise. It was obvious that they sat according to age, which I though was touching. They each had their own spot in the family, made specially for them.

They ate dinner, the atmosphere was warm and lighthearted. They all engaged in conversation, even myself when addressed, though I was timid to. They all made me feel welcomed.  I could feel a smile upon my face as they all laughed and chatted freely, enjoying their time together, as a family. They were a true family. They were the family she had always dreamed of and she finally got to be a part of one, even if was only just temporary.

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