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The man was forcibly yanked off my body and tossed onto the ground. I back away a few steps before stumbling, siding down the food vendor until my face was buried into my hands, the back of them touching my knees as I sobbed. I jumped when a fist pounded against the metal, repeatedly until one of the workers from inside called out over the loud machines.

"Call security over." A voice called out, muffled to my ears. I could feel August weight against my leg, his fur brushing against me. Reaching out, I grabbed him and held him to my chest, sobbing into his fur. His licked at my face, his whine also muted to my ears.

I didn't hear as the cops showed up or when took my offender away. Voices could be heard but not the conversation, they soon left as well. My cries ceased but I had no energy to move, to wipe the tears from my eyes. I still sniffled and whimpered, shaking. I yelped as a warm hand touched my arm, pressing my back further into the metal, heels digging into the ground.

"Faylyn." His voice was soft, gentle as he said my name. "Look at me." I slowly look up, the tears morphing everything together into an undistinguishable blob of colors. I flinched when the man's hands rubbed across my cheeks, brushing my tears away. I still couldn't see and shakily brought my own hands up, clearing my eyes. A concerned pair of eyes and golden hair looked back at me.

"Maverick?" My voice cracker and he nodded.

"Are you okay." He asked, pushing my hair behind my cheeks, exposing my puffy, tear stained face. I shook my head, moving my eyes to stair blankly at the ground by my toes.
"Let's get out of here, okay? Is it okay if I pick you up?" I barely got a nod out but I guess he saw the small movement. I felt him take the leash from my hands before grabbing my hands, helping me stand. My knees were weak but he was quickly to lift me in his arms, holding me to his chest.

Instead of wrapping my arms around his neck, I pulled them between us, shielding my chest. My legs were hooked behind his back, one of his hands holding my jean clad thigh while the other was pressed against my back. At first, I looked over his shoulder but when I was met with several, unfamiliar faces staring back, I turned my head to the side, resting it on his shoulder. His leg span was large, making him travel faster but he was careful not to jostle me in his arms.

His was warm, the wind blowing against his back, protecting me. While my right hand crossed over my body and held my waist, my left was pressed against his muscles chest, where I could his heart. It beat hard and fast, creating a rhythm with his heavy breathing that moved my hair, creating a song of anger.

I kept my hand there, feeling his heart as we walked passed serval rows of cars. He must have had to park farther out since he arrived late. He walked up to an older pickup before opening the front door. He reached over and flipped the center console up, turning it into a middle seat. He lifted me higher, placing me onto the seat and I shifted to the middle, giving him to sit in the driver's seat. I could have moved to the passenger seat but honestly, I didn't want to.

I watched as he bent and picked up August, placing him on my lap. He lifted himself in and helped me locate the seatbelt. My hands were still weak and shaky so he pulled it across my body, buckling me in. Once I was secure, he put on his before starting the truck and pulling out. He didn't bother turning on the radio, leaving us in silence, just the sound of gravel as he drove over the stones. We drove for a while, until we hit the main road.

"Thank you." I whispered, head bent, hair blocking my face as I ran my fingers through August's fur.

"Of course." He was sincere but he still held anger in his voice. I looked out the window, watching the yellow tinted light of the headlight pass over the open land.

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