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His complement shrouded me in a shield of warmth, and I was left in a daze for several moments, even after the judge called the court to adjourn and he took his seat behind me. It was the moment in which my hand my right hand was placed on the Bible and I had to swear my oath of honesty that my daze broke and reality set in. I hadn't even noticed that Analia was brought in but I could now clearly hear her chains rattling as her officer removed them.

She looked worn down and ragged, her eyes sunken in and surrounded by dark rings. Her orange jumpsuit stood out from the crowd of black and white business attire, which I didn't understand because her parents could have easily brought her something to wear. I watched as she swore her oath, knowing that this was just another lie for her.

"This is all for show." My lawyer leaned down to whisper in my ear. "They are trying to get pity from the jurors." My eyes scanned to the jury box while my head turned back to the judge, their faces somber , which wasn't a good sign at all. They already bribed the judge, so it wouldn't be much to do the same with the jury. They had no boundaries.

"What if they got to the jury as well?" I whispered back, watching as the jury swore in as well.

"They wouldn't have had time to, the new judge brought in entirely different people." He straightened himself again.

"Thank you and please be seated." Once we all settled in our seats, he continued. "What is today's case?" He asked the bailiff.

"Faylyn Sawyer verses Analia Patel. Patel appealed her attempted murder, premeditated murder and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon charges due to lack of evidence, new evidence and a claim of insanity."

"Thank you." The judge adjusted his position in this chair. "Miss. Patel and her representative may state their case. You may take the floor."

"Thank you, your honor." He stood and checked his cuff links, a subtle way to flaunt his expensive suit as an intimidation factor. Money held power and promises.
"Due to my clients mental incapabilities, she will not be able to testify so I will be speaking on her behalf." After adjusting his satin tie, another means of flaunting, he began his practice speech, one he definitely had well rehearsed due to his relaxed hand gestures and lack of hesitation.

He had his defense down, every T crossed and ever I dotted with a perfect circle. Everything had an excuse, each piece of evidence had a reason of dispute. When is came to the end of his spew, my palms were sweaty and I was nervously wiping them against my dress. As he began to conclude his speech, he turned towards me with a smug look on his face, as if he knew he had this secured in the bag, and at that moment, I believed it too. She was either walking free or getting a reduced sentence, neither of which sounded appealing.

"Miss. Sawyer." The judge broke my state that followed the attorney back to his seat. "You've been called to the stand." I lingered in my seat for a few moment, gripping my dress with my slick and trembling hands. I finally rose when Mr. Eyler placed a hand on my shoulder, lending me support but is also served as a warning that I was taking too long.

"My apologies, You Honor." I pushed myself up, forcing my shakily legs to support my weight. I took another moment to take calming breaths while I adjusted my dress. As I walked to the front of the room and sat upon the witness stand, I could feel everyone's eyes on me. I was glad I chose not to wear normal heels as I would have definitely fallen due to my wobbly legs and loose ankles.

"Miss. Sawyer." Mr. Eyler began our rehearsed questions. "Can you confirm that the person who attempted to take your life is sitting in this room."

"Yes, Sir." I answered distinctly.

"Can you also confirm that the offender is sitting in that chair." He pointed to her and my gaze followed. Once my eyes locked on hers, I froze. Her beady eyes held the same malicious, wild look as they did that night in the attack, drawing me in and sending me into panic.

"Miss. Sawyer." The judge bellowed, breaking our stare. "You are going to have to answer the question."

"Y-yes." I cleared my throat. "T-That's her."

"She doesn't sound very sure of herself." The other attorney pointed out, leaning back in his chair.

"Objection, Your Honor." My one came to defend me yet also give me some time to calm down. "He had his time to speak."

"Objection sustained. Please refrain from speaking out of turn or you will be asked to leave my court room."

"Yes. Your Honor." He practically scoffed.

"As you can see, my client is clearly uncomfortable with that Miss. Patel in the room. Can we have five minutes so she can regain her composure."

"We will take a five minute recess." He slammed his gavel and I instantly stood up from the hot seat, practically stumbling back to my lawyer.

"I can't do this." I wheezed out.

"Yes you can." He rested his hand on my shoulders. "All you have to do is answer the questions like we rehearsed."

"It won't work. Not with her defense. Not with her..." I thought of her eyes, her burning look of revenge.

"I think there's someone who wants to talk to you." He looked behind me shoulder. "Maybe he can help you out." He patted my shoulder before turning around.

"Faylyn." His voice washed over me. "What's wrong? You were doing so well, what happened?" He pulled me into a hug.

"I can't do this. Her eyes... they looked exactly the same."

"You can't let her get to you like that." He rubbed my back. "She can't touch you."

"But she will if she wins. Her defense is so much better and..."

"And nothing. You won once and there's no reason why you can do it again. You just have to breathe and trust in what you and your lawyer discussed. You can give up without trying or you're just tossing your change of keeping her guilty away." He kissed my forehead. "You've got this. I know you do. I know this is hard but once you get through this, you won't ever have to do it again."

"You sure?" I pulled my head up to look at him.

"I'm sure." He had enough time to give me a reassuring smile before the gavel sounded again.

"Court is back in session. Take your seats."

I made my back to the stand, eyes scanning the crowd for his blonde hair. Sitting taller than the rest of the crowd, he stood out, sending me another smile he mouthed, 'You're, okay.' With that, I settled in the seat, much more confident than before.

I answered the questions with ease and managed to recount what happened that night without shedding a single tear. Maverick was right, I couldn't let her get to me anymore. I could no longer look weak or affect by her or she would always have the upper hand, would always win, and I wasn't going to let her win this one.

Once the questioning was over, her attorney had his way with me, trying to get me to trip up and fumble my words but I didn't give in. Once he gave up, I was able to return to my chair, relieved and I even held a small smile on my lips.

"Anything you would like to add?" The judge asked Analia's lawyer, to which he said no. Though I expect my own lawyer to say the same, he surprised me.

"Yes, Your Honor, I would like to call someone else to the stand."

Finding Solaceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें