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We finished our gardening for the moment, in which Mrs. Somers couldn't stop thanking me. I often caught her outside more often, admiring her new garden. I was just glad she liked them. I could finally do something that meant something to her after everything she has done for me.

The boys have come from the weekend. I could tell Mrs. Somers couldn't stand an empty nest and it was a three day weekend due to Labor Day. For someone who likes the quiet, even I was happy to have them bringing some sort of noise into the house. It had been far to quiet these past to weeks and I had gotten used to their playful banter.

"Hey mom," Jasper mumbled with a mouthful of cookie. "I have the admission papers if you want to enter anything in the fair for next weekend." He flashed her a few white papers. "I can take them with me and turn them into the school Tuesday."

"Oh it's that time already? Just set them on the table." She flashed her hands, which were covered in flour. "I'll look at them later." He nodded and placed them on the table, leaving with a handful of cookies.

"A fair?" I asked, cracking an egg into the mixer.

"Yeah, the county hosts one every year to raise money for the high school. Students volunteer and help run it and keep the grounds clean. Have you ever been to one?"

"I can't say I have." I turned off the mixer and removed the bowl. "They are like a carnival, right?"

"I'm a way." She agreed, taking the mixture I made and began dividing them into small dough balls. "A fair has rides like a carnival but it's much bigger. It also has competitions, like food and livestock. People pay to enter them and winners will win some money and the rest goes to the school."

"Are you going to enter anything?" I leaned my hip against the counter, sticking my hand in the batter and helping her create dough balls.

"I have in years past. I've entered pie and other baked goods. I'm not sure if I will this year. I mostly just do it for fun."

"Can we? I've never made a pie before but it sounds fun and it will help with the school." I lined the pan, careful not to disturb the wax paper.

"Okay" she flashed me a smile. "That's sounds good. I'm just glad I won't be stuck baking alone for a few hours." I smiled back before taking a bit of cookie dough a placing it in my mouth, causing her to playfully bump her hip against mine.

The days seemed blur by, the boys returned to school and it was almost the end of the week. I almost couldn't contain my enthusiasm. Not only was I excited to learn to make a pie but I had never been to a fair or a carnival. My parents didn't allow me to 'frolic about outside with greasy foods. They had a professional image to uphold and they didn't need their daughter to be looked upon so lowly.'

Mrs. Somers has gathered the ingredients that we needed. I opted to chop the apples, having seen my wary expression with knife. I, however, stuck to something more simple and less dangerous, making the dough. She came up behind me and tossed flower onto the counter, showing me how to kneed the dough onto it.

"Rose?" Mrs. Somers called from down the hall. "I can't find-" A thump was heard. "Darn it!" He hollered. "Now see here-" His voice trailed off.

"I think I'm needed in the other room." She handed me a rolling pin. "Divide the dough into two even balls and roll them out flat. Coat in some flour before rolling out the dough. Try not to make it too thin or thick. Once I'm done with whatever he got himself into, I finish preparing the apples." She rushed before heading out of the room, heading towards the office.

I did as she advised, dividing the dough in half as evenly as I could. Cupping some flour into my hand, I rubbed it across the surface, coating the rolling pin. I wasn't exactly sure what was considered too thick or too thin but I guessed if I mess up, I could always just try it again.

After flattening both of them, Mrs. Somer still hasn't returned. I ended up just tracing my finger in the flour, creating different patterns and poorly drawn pictures. I eventually ended up just trying to pile all of the excess flour into a small pile.

"What are you doing." A voice asked and I jumped, causing my hand to slide across the counter, knocking the flour pile and rolling pin onto the floor, a small white cloud dusting in the air. As I did, I whirled around, one hand pressed over my heart while the other firmly gripped the counter. As I finally focused on a pair of amused eyes and a head of blonde hair, I began to try and regulate my breathing and heart rate.

"Faylyn?" Mrs.Somers called out, presumably from the sounds of the heavy rolling pin hitting the floor. "Are you alright?" I didn't answer, my throat felt dry and closed up.

"She's alright Ma!" Maverick called back. "Just a little spooked."

"I'll be out in a minute!" She called back.

"I'm so sorry." He brushed some flour of his pant leg. "I thought you heard me but I guess you were spaced out."

"Mhmm." I forced out, still trying to calm down.

"Are you alright?" He reached a hand out, gently placing it on my upper arm, his thumb rubbing over my long sleeved shirt. I nodded at him.

"Just surprised." My voice sounded closed, airy, but at least I could talk.

"Oh my!" Mrs. Somers gasped and Maverick released my arm, taking a step back. "I leave you in here for a few minutes and you managed to make a mess! Just look at you." She teased. My pants were also coated with flour, along with a decent amount of flooring.

Maverick took the blame and I helped him clean up the mess as Mrs. Somers cooked the apples in a pan to soften them. Maverick swiped the floor too hard with the broom, causing some of the particles to go on my face. At first I thought it was an accident but when I looked up and saw the amused glint in his eye, I knew it wasn't. Placing my hand on the covered counter, I rubbed it across his face, making him laugh. It went on like this for a few seconds before Mrs. Somers scolded the both of us and I saw the almost smug look on her face. We ceased our small banter and actually cleaned our now, even bigger mess. As I helped Mrs. Somers assemble the pies, I could see Maverick sending me teasing smiles, causing me to shake my head at his antics.

Maybe I did like him a little bit.

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