Musical Troubles with The Wanted(Sneak Peak)

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Sarah's P.O.V.

So me and the girls got called down for a meeting from the boss again and she had the nerve to call us 4 in the morning!I swear she is out to get us.I'm not really paying attention to what she is saying because I'm partly asleep right now something about a competition against some boys but I don't care, I know better than to let some boys get in the way of my dreams.She says that we are going to be traveling the world with various other bands but this one band called The Wanted, she just strictly forbids us to come in any contact with. The girls are probably all wondering the same thing I am......why this band?I wish she showed us who they looked like but I guess not.Then she made the mistake of calling us a girl band all of a sudden, like I said I wasn't really paying attention but this caught my attention and I got up and started yelling, saying stuff like we are not!We all play some sort of instrument besides our vocals like me I have guitar and violin!Well after another couple of minutes of arguing and saying other stuff about the competition we all then went to our rooms.I tried to go to sleep but once I'm awake I'm awake, I had nothing to do really besides pack but I decided to Google this "Wanted" band. Once I hit image there was only thing that popped in my head.

Me:Damn they're hot!

Nathan's P.O.V.

We told not to be in contact with these girls and yadda yadda yadda.Didn't really care just though what was happening tonight, me and the boys were going off to a amusement park and I'm usually terrified but well but nothing I'm not going on anything!We were let out and I started to play on my piano when all of a sudden Tom screams 'Crap guys come here!"We all come chasing to him and he is holding his computer and he has a picture of very attractive girls and then I spoke.

Me:These are the girls we have to avoid? 

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