CHAPTER [8] Darren with Jafaar's moustache.

Start from the beginning

 even his mom didn't call him that many times when he tried running away 3 years ago!

Damsel's palm cupped his mouth as he pondered over the amount of missed calls, Darren was either  A. over the top pissed over the whole gay porn link situation before, B. pissed about the marriage. or C. Super worried about him fainting.

Scoffing, Damsel quickly crossed out option C.

But judging from the situation it was 100% about the marriage, and Damsel wanted to drown himself right then and there. This was probably the best time to force Darren to speak out against the marriage tomorrow, and Damsel wasn't one with patience, so he unlocked his phone and practically jabbed his finger on the call button on his contact list.

Damsel squinted his eyes at the screen in impatience, fiddling with his ring as he usually does.


Damsel took in a large inhale, mentally preparing himself for what was about to come, screaming? Yelling?

Hurry up..


Picked up.

Damsel flinched at how fast the boy had picked up the phone, given how late it was, the fleeting sense of unanticapation left him in a tune of disbelief for a mere second, leaving his words stuck at his throat, but that second turned out to be too long since the other was quick to fill the silence almost immedietly.

"I hope you fucking die, you piece of fucking shit."

Damsel was left speechless, more so than before, his eyes widened,

Not because of the curses, 

but because of Darren's tone.

Darren Knight was crying,

Darren had stopped every mid word to catch his breath as his words broke into sobs, letting the sound reach the phone. Just letting hic's and cries fill the silence.

"You fucking son-of-a-bitch!" He caught his breath as he let out another angry yell from the other side, his voice was deep and hoarse, like his throat had went through hell and came back, for how many hours? Damsel couldn't tell. "It's all your fucking fault!"

Damsel's chin trembled, but he sucked the tears back, his eyes were already sore from crying for hours, and he knew that even if he tried, he had no tears left to cry. He was left so exhausted and numb that he couldn't even falter at the words that were spoken to him, hearing the words that he was beating himself over now coming out of someone's mouth directly left him just,


He only stayed quiet, not saying anything as the other filled the comforting silence.

 Damsel had gotten the news as soon as he awoke, and it was already late by then, Could it be that, Darren had gotten the news earlier? 

A sudden thought attacked his brain,

Darren had cried through the day and night,

His heart spasmed in guilt.

The thought shot a guilt-tripped arrow through Damsel's shattering heart, it was like his heart stopped beating for a second, the sense of fear paralyzing his whole body, when in reality his nervous system had to fight his stripping nerves by stopping the rush of adrenaline to lower his paced heartbeat back to normal.


"I can't-.." Darren whispered through a broken sob.

"Knight- Calm down for a second, breath," Damsel panicked, not knowing what to do at the presence of his crying rival, not a day in his 17 years of constant hatred had he thought his arch nemesis would be over the line on the phone crying his eyes out. 

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