Two Heroes, One Vigilante, and a Shit Ton of Fried Chicken

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Shota sighed as he walked into his house after his husband and set his keys down on the small, wooden table placed next to the front door. He hadn't examined the room yet when Hizashi cooed, and when Shota looked up, he could see why. Hizashi had rounded the living room so he could see the opening of what seemed to be a blanket fort. Shota moved to stand next to him, and couldn't help but smile at the sight. Fumikages head was on Hitoshi's lap, and a green fluff was on Hitoshi's shoulder, all three of the teens were asleep

"Aren't they supposed to be fifteen?" Shota said, and Hizashi lightly hit him, and then checked his watch.

"It's 4:15, we should wake them up." Hizashi said, and got down on his knees so he could crawl further to the kids. He first shook Fumikage awake, who immediately lifted his head from Hitoshi's lap, hitting Hitoshi's chin and effectively waking him up. He then gently tapped Izuku, who bolted awake and tried to stand up swiftly, but ended up covered in blankets.

"Whoops." Izuku said, and that elicited a laugh from everyone except Shota, who just let out a reluctant smile. The three kids cleared the fort and then looked at eachother, seemingly remembering something. Shota was suspicious of the quilt on their faces.

"What did you do?" Shota asks, glaring at each of them.

"Whaaat? We didn't do anything, I don't know what youre taaalking about." Hitoshi said, and it was obvious that he was the worst liar there.

"Just don't look in the kitchen and we didn't do anything." Fumikage says, and Izuku is glad that they aren't the ones that have to lie everyday to keep a secret identity, they would definitely fail. Shota and Hizashi immediately went to the kitchen after that, and the three teens hesitantly followed them.

"What the hell, you guys?" Shota sighs, almost bored of the kids antics, and he thought dealing with the three of them in class was bad.

"We made pancakes." Izuku mutters sheepishly while looking down at his phone to check the time. Izuku had to leave in twenty five minutes, and he figured that he should let the adults know.

"You guys are cleaning this mess up." Shota grumbled as he sat down at the table, the only part of the kitchen not covered in flour.

"I'll help!" Hizashi yelled as he ran to grab cleaning stuff, the other three didn't even bat an eye, as Izuku looked on curiously.

"He really likes cleaning, I know, weird." Hitoshi muttered as he started to put away the supplies that they had neglected earlier. Izuku watched as Hizashi walked back into the room and dumbed everything he had collected on the table in front of Shota.

"Sorry to leave you three hangin but I have to go in about... twenty minutes." Izuku said as he clicked onto his phone again. Hitoshi and Fumikage, already knowing he had to meet with his friends, simply nodded, but both Hizashi and Shota looked at him questioningly.

"And where do you think you're going?" Shota asked and Izuku looked at him awkwardly, not knowing why the hero cared, Izuku wasn't his son after all. Sure, Shota being suspicious was a problem because it meant Izuku might not be able to see Keigo and Tensei, but Izuku couldn't help but feel... happy? Because for the first time since, well forever, someone actually cared what the hell he was doing. He was so used to just sneaking out a window, or walking out the door, without so much as a grunt from his father.

"I'm meeting with some friends, Keigo and Tensei, the two other pro's who were in the hospital after the USJ. They're worried about me, and I should probably ease their worries before they do something stupid. We are meeting in Hosu, because Tensei's out there for a while." Izuku said, and started to hook, and unhook his fingernails, it was a nervous habit he did sometimes when he didn't want to scratch his skin off. Shota was hesitant to let him go, he had just come to them panicking last night, and now he was asking to leave. Sure, he would be with two pro's basically the whole time, but the protective urge Shota felt last night hasn't faded.

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