Anxiety, Panic, and Paranoia

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Izuku staggered back to his room, a newfound panic gripping his heart. When he had made it to his room, and quietly shut his door he almost collapsed on the floor right there. He willed himself not to, he needed to get out, and far away from here before he could think about anything else. Izuku pulled his book bag out from under his bed and looked inside. There was only one notebook in there at the moment, good, he needed as much room in there as possible, he was eternally grateful that the bag was always bigger than it needed to be. First he stuffed his usual vigilante outfit in there, then a can of spray hair dye, and a box of grey color contacts. Then he stuffed an extra UA uniform in there and looked around his room for anything else he would need. He had medical supplies in the pockets of his pants, along with weapons and water. He had some money stuffed in a compartment in his book bag, in situations that he would need it.

'Shit' He thought to himself. He needed to do something with his hero analysis books, he couldn't let the villains get their hands on years of analysis. He felt tears prick his eyes as he thought about his options. He was stressed, sad, scared, frustrated, it wasn't a very good combination. He could only think of one thing, he had to burn them. The thought wasn't as painful for him as it would've been two years ago, but when he was thirteen he had the foresight to store all his notes in encrypted files on his phone in case he ever came across a situation like this. He probably should've burned the books earlier, but there was nothing he could do about that right now. He could beat himself up about the past later, but he needed to get out of here as quickly as possible. He flinched slightly when he saw the bright flames but regained his calm when he twitched his finger and made the fire grow slightly smaller, reminding him he had control over it. He let out a sigh of relief and flipped the book bag onto his back, quietly making his way to the window.

He hopped onto his small balcony and looked back at his room, perhaps for the last time ever. Adrenaline, and fear were still coursing through his veins, and he didn't think the full weight of the situation had really hit him yet. He let his eyes slowly scan his room, and a combination of bitter nostalgia and guilt gripped his heart, but for some reason he couldn't cry. He found himself thinking he wanted to cry, that maybe it would release the pressure on his heart, but he couldn't bring himself to. His eyes dulled, and he was glad that he wasn't looking in a mirror, because he feared he looked somewhat like his father in that moment. But instead of being consumed by anger, Izuku is consumed by terror. His lips formed a calm, bitter smile as he took one last deep breath, and turned away from his childhood.

When he jumped onto the roof of the building closest to him the chilled air immediately made him shiver, even with the hoodie he was wearing. He refused to let the panic truly set in until he got a safe distance away from his father. He jumped across rooftops for what seemed like forever, and soon he found himself in the heart of the city. He stood on the roof of the building, letting his eyes scan the brilliant lights of nighttime Musutafu. He saw huddles of people walking on the streat, he saw cars zooming on the street, he heard music from some distant club,he felt the breeze against his skin. Everything, for just one blissful moment, felt calm, and okay. Until he saw the moon in the corner of his vision, and a ping of pain came from his leg. He fell to the ground, and let himself huff as he hit it. It was then that the panic set in.

His father was with the League. His mother was dead because of the League. Izuku had helped the League get away with murder. The League had more Nomu, they had been working on them for years. He didn't have anywhere to go. He had met All for One. He had met Shigaraki. He had met Kurogiri. He had met All for One! Keigo was too far away for him to run to. Tensei was doing something in Hosu. Nobody else knew his identity. He was now on the run from a highly powerful criminal organization that was led by one of the most dangerous men in history. His father was behind the mind control. Izuku had no one to turn to. No more family, no friends available that could help him, and he wasn't going to just hand his identity to Nezu on a silver platter. Izuku was scared.

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