Let The Games Begin

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That little twerp had always been annoying, ever since he was a child. He gently set his phone down on his counter and went over to the fridge to grab a beer, a very much needed beer. As he sipped his drink he smirked at the plans about to come to fruition, and how it would feel to finally triumph. He scoffed as he remembered the little brat up in his bedroom and decided he should go and see what was happening up there. He didn't really care much for his son, and only looked into his personal life for the sake of his job, so the kids room was a foreign land to him. What he saw when he opened up the door made his vision go red with anger. The kind was gone, his bedsheets were messed up, the door to his wardrobe was thrown open, his backpack was gone, and the window was ajar. Anyone with eyes and a head on their shoulders could figure that he'd run away.

Hisashi Midoriya was mad, furious even, his little brat had run away and quite possibly thrown a wrench into all of the League's plans. But after years of abuse he had never run away so, Hisashi was left wondering, why did he leave now? Did he just sneak out to go somewhere? No, that wouldn't make sense, he wouldn't've taken the bookbag with him, it was a weekend. So he had definitely ran away. The obvious answer was that he had gotten tired of the abuse, but Hisashi knew it wasn't that. If it was just that, he would've run a long time ago, it had to be something else. Hisashi remembered the point he had made on the phone with Tomura, his brat was beginning to regain his memories. That means that he could remember things about the League, including that Hisashi was working with them.

Now not only was Hisashi mad, but he was frustrated, depending on how much his son had remembered everything could come crashing down on them in seconds. His son had pro hero friends, and was well acquainted with the police department as Silver Fox. Who would he coode to run to? He wouldn't have enough funds to get all the way to Hawk's agency, and he wouldn't want to deal with the family surrounding choosing Ingenium. Would he go to Nezu? No, his son may be a worthless brat but he wasn't an idiot. Going to the mouse would be dumb, he could easily tie the limited strings, it would raise way to many red flags. So who would his son run to? Hisashi really didn't know, but he would have a lot of fun hunting down that little fox. First, he needed to tell Tomura, so that they could tell their informant on the inside, and the boss. He picked up his phone and dialed the number, Tomura picked up, but Hisashi could tell that he was agitated.

"What do you want, Hisashi?" The scratchy, annoyed voice of Tomura Shigaraki was only amplified by the phone call.

"It's about the little brat." Hisashi answered, and he could tell that mention of his son had piqued Tomura's interest, he had always hated the kid.

"What about him, Hisashi? We don't have time for your stupid games if it was important enough for you to call me again so soon." Tomura said, and Hisashi let out a dull, humorless laugh.

"I'm afraid that our plans will need to be temporarily changed." Hisashi said, really this whole situation amused him. He didn't care about the League's plans as much as he cared about the killing it allowed him to do.

"What he fuck is that supposed to mean, and why do you sound so goddamn pleased?!" Tomura said, and his growing anger made Hisashi laugh even more. This earned a growl from the younger male.

"My son has run away, and the only reason for him to do that is because he's remembered something new." Hisashi sood coolly, taking another drawn out sip of his beer.

"What?! Why the fuck are you so calm about this?!" Tomura asked, and Hisashi could hear his footsteps, meaning he was going to alert Kurogiri of the situation. Kurogiri would most likely call the boss, leaving Tomura or Hisashi with the annoying task of alerting their spy. Really, the kid was more annoying than Tomura, and that was saying a lot.

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