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    A/N: Really sorry that this took so long. I lost a lot of my motivation to really do anything, and I also hit a writers block concerning where I wanted to take this story. I'm not usper proud of this chapter, but I decided I needed to update something. Just decided that if I didn't at least try to write something I would never get out of the rut.

      Naomasa Tsukauchi was very, very, very tired. The police station was beyond hectic at this point and the detective was finding it hard to catch a break for long enough to breathe. With Silver Fox still not being caught, and more importantly the recent attack on the USJ, everyone at the station was freaking out. Naomasa was always stressed with his job, but over the past few years it’s been getting more and more stressful, and that stress level has skyrocketed since the school year had started. Nothing in his life is stable right now, not even the crime rates! So what Naomasa was expecting for the day was a lot of paperwork, a lot of bad coffee, and a lot of stress. What he wasn’t expecting was a call from Shota Aizawa, better known as EraserHead. But, apparently, that’s what the universe had in store for him.

     “Hello?” Naomasa asks after he picks up the cellphone that is sitting next to him on his desk and answers it.

     “Naomasa, this is important.” Aizawa says from the other side of the phone, and Naomasa immediately focuses more on the conversation, the seriousness in Shota’s voice piqued his interest.

     “Well, what is it?” Naomasa may seem annoyed, but he is actually very excited that something even mildly exciting might be happening.

     “It concerns Silver Fox, the rising crime, and possibly the League of Villains.” Shota breathes out, and Naomasa wonders how he could’ve possibly gotten so lucky.

     “Go on.” The detective urges the pro hero on.

     “Silver has some information for us. As you know I’ve been in contact with him for the past two years or so, and we’ve kept up a decent correspondence.” Shota says. At first Naomasa nods, but then he remembers he’s on a phone call.

     “Yes, I know, get on with it Shota, I’m itching for action, and you know justice and all that crap I guess.” Naomasa jokes, knowing the hero will appreciate it.

     “Well he called me today, he was frantic, talking about something to do with rising crime and the league, he has a mumbling habit. He’s getting in contact with some other pros he knows to set up a meeting for tonight so he can relay some information. But he knows he’ll need to tell the police too so he told me to get you to come. You can trust him, I trust him, and that’s hard to do. He’s willing to take questions about himself to an extent also, so there's that incentive for you. You’re allowed to bring weapons, so are you coming or not, this info could be really important, the guy can dig up practically anything.” Aizawa sounds tired the whole way through, but Naomasa is practically bouncing off the walls by the end.

     “Yeah, I’m in, I’ll bring Sansa and Tsuragamae, just send me the address and time and we’ll be there.” Naomasa says, knowing that the chief will also be interested in this. Aizawa says his goodbyes and then hangs up. Naomasa sighs and leans back in his chair, his smile much larger than it probably should be.


     Izuku bites his nail as he listens to his phone ring, waiting to see if the pro hero will even respond to him. He decided to call Shota first, he was going to ask Shota to come, and then he was going to ask Shota to get in contact with the police station for him. Shota finally picked up the phone, and laughed at Izuku’s sigh of relief.

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