And The Teachers Thought This Year Would Be Boring

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-----15 years old

Izuku sighed, letting himself dangle his feet off the building he was sitting on. It was 2:30 am and he had just decided to call it a night for patrolling, but instead of going back to his balcony he thought he'd sit and enjoy the view for a little bit before going home and getting as much rest for tomorrow as he could. Right then he heard a grunt behind him as someone made their way to sit next to him, copying his action of letting his feet dangle. When he looked over he smiled a bit, seeing as Eraser Head had chosen to sit next to him tonight. Shota looked over at him, and sighed heavily before looking to the ground. Izuku pulled out a flask and tapped Shota on the shoulder with it, effectively getting the older man's attention.

"Seriously? You brought alcohol on patrol? Are you even old enough to drink?" Shota says, looking up and down at the vigilante he called a friend, obviously judging him.

"Yes seriously. Yes, I brought it on patrol but I haven't drunk any of it. And you may never know Shota, you may never know." Izuku replies, smiling lightly as he looks at his friend.

"Were you planning to just stare at it all night then?" Shota asked, laughing a little at his friend's fake offended look.

"No, Shota, it isn't for me dumbass." Izuku sighs, done with his friends lack of awareness when not in the middle of a fight.

"It's for me?" Shota asks, with a confused gaze in his friend's direction.

"No it's for Tsukauchi, yes it's for you idiot." Izuku says, finally shoving the flask into his friends hands.

"Why though?" Shota asks, with another confused look on his face.

"U.A. exams are tomorrow right? Thought you might need a pick-me-up" Izuku says, looking at the obviously stressed older male, although Izuku's look isn't much better.

"Heh, yeah, not very excited for this year, it's always so boring." Shota complains after taking a swig of whatever Izuku had filled the flask with.

"Well maybe if you didn't expel all your students within the first two weeks of school then you wouldn't be bored all year." Izuku sighs out, really hoping that Shota takes mercy on the first years, considering he might be one of them.

"Yeah, yeah whatever Silver, none of them had potential." Shota says, taking another swig.

"No, I'm pretty sure you're just too harsh." Izuku replies, stealing back the flask, taking a swig, and handing it back to the hero.

"I am not too harsh." Shota says handing the now empty flask back to Izuku.

"Really? Would you like me to ask your students about that? Maybe Nemuri? Or perhaps your husband?" Izuku says, smirking at the last part.

"You wouldn't," Shota sighs.

"C'mon you know I would." Izuku replies.

"You seem stressed too, anything wrong with you?" Shota says, deflecting the conversation from his inability to keep a class.

"Just a bad day, we all have them." Izuku sighs, wishing he had more alcohol with him at the moment, even though he still had a distaste for it.

"Some are worse than others." Shota says, staring up at the stars.

"Nothing I'm not used to." Izuku says, smiling softly at the cars below them. Shota looks down at him before sighing and drawing circles on Izuku's back. Izuku tenses up, due to the barely healed burn on his back, but untenses after a few seconds. When Shota stops and sets his hand in his lap Izuku looks up to him and smiles, before also directing his gaze to the stars.

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