Chapter 19 Mages (Part 3)

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Vee's POV

The Sloth demon spotted us the second we enter the room "oh, look visitors. I'd entertain you but...too much effort involved" it said "good, that will make killing you much easier" Sarina said drawing their sword and shield "but why? Aren't you tired of all the violence in this world? I know I am, wouldn't you like to just lay down...and forget about all this? Leave it all behind".

I suddenly felt really really *yawn* tired "you will not take us demon! Your powers have no *yawn* control on us" I said feeling more tired by the second "*groan* I feel so tired" Rose said "we need to resist else everything will be for nothing" Sarina said but through my hazines I couldn't even see properly.

"Why do you fight? You deserve deserve a rest. The world will go on without you" the Sloth demon said next thing I feel is cold stone as I struggled to fight the blackness that took over my consciousness.

When I next woke up I was greeted by a strange man with black curly hair, tanned skin, his left eye was yellow and his pupil was slit like a snake or a cat and there was a green circle around his iris, his right eye had a white iris but where the white of his eye was it was black, he also had what looked like snake scale on the sides of his neck, he also had black cat ears and a tail and I think I saw black feathered wings on his back.

We where standing in a forest and cottage was not far behind him "there you are jeez, you where away for ages" the stranger said "um who are you? Where are we?" I asked him "real funny Vee, it's me Fer and where at your cottage" he said "wait what but your not a human though how do you look human?" I asked "did you hit your head or something? We fought and killed the archdemon and you found a spell in the circle tower that could make me become a human" the stra- uh Fir said "wait you said the circle tower but I remember going there but not leaving" I said "hmm maybe you did hit your head come on ill check" Fir said "wait no I remember the circle tower and...and the Sloth demon then I woke up here, this...this is the Fade and this is a dream your not Fir your a demon" I said "foolish child. I have given you so much and you cast it back in my face. Can you not be content with the peace I offer?" the demon said "no my friends, my family, are still out there and I will not let you stop me from saving Thedas" I said "it seems only war and death will satisfy you. SO BE IT! Have your war and darkspawn! May they be your doom!" the demon then drew a sword from no where and attacked me.

I dodged its swing and drew my wand and I went to cast a wind spell that would throw the demon away from me. It hit the demon and immediately the demon was thrown with such force that it hit a tree and the tree broke and fell on it trapping it.

I walked over to it and bent down to talk to it "demon where are my friends?" I asked it "hahaha what makes you think I will tell you?!" it said "hmm I don't know maybe I'll just take that information from your memory's and see if you know" "haha you can't do that" it said "oh but I can you see I'm not a mage I'm a witch, which means I can influence Demons and be less likely to be influenced by the likes of you, so start talking or I'll just help myself" "fine, your friends are trapped like you where in their own worlds. If you follow that path you will find them one by one and your animal friends will be with them" the demon said "well that wasent so hard" I stood back up and picked the Demons sword up and stabbed it in the head killing it.

"hmm so they should be along the path? Don't worry guys I'll help you" I thought but before I could take two steps forward Lucille and the real Fir appear next to me "please tell me you guys aren't Demons?" I asked and they both shook their heads and I felt our bond and I knew it was the real them.

"Thank the Maker! Come on guys let's find the others and hopefully we won't be too late before... NO! Don't think that Vee, we'll save them no matter what!" Lucille and Fir then fly onto my shoulders and nuzzle my cheeks in comfort "alright let's do this".

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