Chapter 10 Elves (Part 2)

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Roses Pov

"WHAT?!" me, Larrith, Vee and Marilla asked "what do you mean your a werewolf? you look nothing like Swiftrunner or the other two?" Larrith asked "yeah that's cause I wasn't cursed I was - GET BEHIND ME! " just as they were about to explain Darkspawn appeared behind us and we all jumped behind Sarina while they got their sword and shield ready "whatever you guys do don't give in and try and not swallow any of their blood it contains the blight and is very poisonous" Sarina then goes and cuts down two Darkspawn.

The rest of us then quickly get ready to fight again this time prepared as the Darkspawn take swings at us. We split up in twos too watch each others backs while Sarina was busy cutting down Darkspawn.

As I was cutting a Darkspawn down I noticed a Darkspawn creeping up behind Vee and just as it was about to swing I threw one of my daggers at it and the dagger lodged itself into the side of the Darkspawns head. Vee then quickly turned to see what happened only to find a dead SOB Darkspawn but suddenly she shouts "ROSE BEHIND YOU!" I spun round to find a Darkspawn ready to strike but then an arrow appears though its head right between its eyes and its blood goes on me. Once it went down I saw Marilla standing in front of me "are you ok?" she asks "yeah I'm fine" I said.

We turned to see a lot of dead Darkspawn and Sarina checking them all. "alright I think that's all of them" they said "are you sure?" Larrith asked "yeah but we better keep moving and find the werewolves" Sarina says "wait what about you being a werewolf ?" I asked "ill explain later when we get back to camp ok?" we then all nodded and continued to search for the werewolves.

Not long after we left I could feel a headache coming on "jeez why am I getting a headache?" I thought, I looked up to see the tall trees blocking the suns rays "so it's not the sun, probably just from the all fighting".

We continued to walk and my headache kept getting worse and just as I was opening my mouth to tell the others we came across this abandoned campsite. Sarina them takes a look at everything
"Huh this is strange, this campsite appears to be remarkably intact. Hmm the tent, beds and the campfire all seem well kept" Sarina says "could all this belong to the werewolves?" Larrith asks "no werewolves wouldn't have this kind of lair" Sarina said "guys something dosent feel right" Vee tells us "what do you mean?" Marilla questions her "I don't know, just somethings not right here".

"Hmm the elven hunters coulntd have set this up, it would have been too dangerous for them" Sarina says "but it feels so friendly. *yawn* is it just me or is everyone feeling tired?" and I did but my headache was slowly disappearing. Fir and Delta suddenly both make a nice but only seconds later they both just passed out.

"oh no, guys we need to leave now" Vee trys to earn us but it was too late.

Vee's POV

After I tried to warn the others they all just passed out like Fir and Delta "dame it I need to get them all out of here" I thought but suddenly a demonic notice happens behind me.

I turn around to see a Sloth Demon standing a few feet from me "oh maker" I thought then the Sloth Demon attacks me and I just manage to dodge it then I brought up a magic shield around me with my wand.

The demon the tried hitting the shield to break it "dame this isn't going to hold ok think, think, think, what did Sarina say?"

*Flashback to training*
Sarina just stopped me "don't just simply try to attack me, use your surroundings ok?"

*Back to present*
"of course!" I thought I then quickly scan my surroundings and saw Roses daggers lying on the ground next to Sarina's sword that was next to Larrith's mace. I cast a quick telekinetic spell on Larrith's mace and just as the Sloth Demon broke the shield I threw the mace which hit the Demon on the back of the head which left it dazed.

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