Chapter 13 Recruits

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Sarina's POV

While making dinner for me and the girls I could hear one of them starting to wake up and I turned my head to see Larrith waking up and clutching her head in pain.

"Hey Larrith, how are you feeling?" I ask her and she looks at my with an expression of 'do you really need to ask' "ok yeah that was a dum question, come over here you'll need something to eat, all recruits get famished after joining" I tell her "what about the others?" she asks "we'll have to wait and see if they wake up".

Larrith then slowly got up and Delta practically soared straight to her and gave her, what looked like, a hug with his wings "hey bud, I'm alright just a killer headache" Larrith tells Delta, "he wouldn't leave you alone for anything, same with Fir towards Vee" Larrith looked over to see Fir sitting on Vee's chest, in his cat form, just watching her.

I turned back to the cooking pot and started to put it in a bowl when I noticed Larrith sit next to me "here, eat up" I tell her and hand the bowl to her "hey where are the Wyvern eggs?" Larrith asks without taking the bowl and looking around frantically "here I put them next to the other stuff close to the fire, I didn't know what to do with them" I tell her as I reach over and grab the bag with the four wyvern eggs within. She takes the bag and quickly examines the eggs and let's out a relieved sigh "there all ok" she says and puts the bag next to her and I hand the bowl back to her and she goes to take it but just as I gave it over one of the other girls start to stir and we both turned to look at them to see Marilla waking up.

"Hey Marilla" Larrith and I both say. After Marilla adjusted I walked over to her and knelt next to her "how you feeling" I ask her "I have a really bad headache, I'm starving and I really need to go swimming soon" she tells me "right, cause Selkies get really sad and almost depressed like without water, right?" I ask and she nods her head then I stand up and hold my hand out for her to take, to which she does so I pull her up onto her feet.

"Come on let's get you something to eat" I tell her and as I go to walk back to the fire I feel a pair of arms link around me and I turn my head to see Marilla hugging me from behind "hey it'll be alright" I tell her giving her a hug back, she eventually let's go and asks "will Vee and Rose be ok?" "only time will tell" I then guide her to the fire and she sits down next to Larrith and gives her a side hug "I'm glad your alright Larrith" Marilla says "you too" Larrith responds.

I fill a bowl for Marilla and hand it to her "what is this?" she asks me "it's Rabbit stew, I went hunting while you guys where out but I didn't go far" I tell them "I've never had this" Marilla says "try it, it's actually pretty good" Larrith says while taking another spoonful "'pretty good' girl my food is awsome" I say with sass which makes the other two laugh and Delta just shakes his head.

After about five minutes of talking passed before I heard one of the two girls waking up and I look over to see that actually both of the girls where waking up at the same time. I got up and walked over to them and I see Fir practically pounce on Vee "hey Fir good to see you too, it's just a headache, now get off" Vee said to Fir who was trying to  hug her neck in a wierd cat like way and I see Rose just chuckle at them "hey guys, when you guys are ready there's some food-" before I could even finish that sentence Rose is up and running over to Larrith and Marilla "-over there, ok then" I stick my hand out for Vee to take which she does and we walk over to the fire and I see Rose already digging into a bowl "Maker Rose," I say shaking my head.

Vee pours herself a bowl then I do the same for myself "hey Sarina, I thought tonight was a full moon shouldn't you be in wolf form?" Larrith asked "yeah but my wolf knew this was important so he's fighting the urge to come out and it eventually knocked him out but sure as fate tomorrow night I'll turn" the others then nodded and went back to what they where doing. We all finished eating and I cleaned the pot while the girls rested and then sat back around the fire with them "so do any of you have any questions about the Grey Wardens or even becoming Grey Wardens?"  I ask them "yeah I got a question why didn't you tell us that it would hurt like a bi-" before Rose could finish Larrith shot up and looked in the wyvern egg bag "what's wrong?" Marilla asked "one of the eggs has a small crack meaning it's slowly hatching" Larrith said with a large smile.

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