Chapter 12 Elves (Part 4) & Recruits

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Rose's POV

After we gathered all our stuff I noticed 'Sarina' still hadn't changed back to being human but before I could ask them why, they started to walk away, back to the entrance of this temple.

"Why hasn't Sarina changed back surely it would be easier, if we have to talk to the elves?" Marilla asked "I have no idea, I suppose they will turn back, back at camp or something" Larrith tells us.

We follow 'Sarina' back to the entrance of the temple and we all head back to the elves but on our way back we encounter a couple of Dalish hunters.

"Oh you all survived, thank the God's" one of the Dalish said "what happened, and where's Zathrian?" the other Dalish asked "we would like to explain what happened to your whole camp, if that's alright?" Vee asked them "oh yeah of course, let's go" the first Dalish elf said.

We followed them back to camp but before we got there I noticed 'Sarina' had disappeared "guys where's Sarina?" I whispered to the others quite enough so the Dalish don't hear.

The others look around and turn to me and shrug there shoulders "did anyone see them wander off?" Marilla asks to which we all shake our heads. We quickly get to the Dalish camp and the hunters told us to go talk to Zathrian's first but before we could ask who and what that was they walked away.

"Does anyone know who or what is a first?" Larrith asked "I'm not sure" I said "let's ask Athras and tell him about Danyla"

We walked into the Dalish camp, I looked around and saw all the injured Elves getting up and appear to be rapidly healing from their incounters with the werewolves "there's Athras" Marilla said and pointed him out.

As we approached him, he spoke to us "you have returned. Is there...any chance you have news about Danyla?" "we do but..." Marilla was saying but Athras interrupted her with hope "you have news? have you found her? are...are you certain?" "she gave us her scarf to return it to you" Vee told him then handed Danyla's scarf to him.

"That is her scarf...where did you find her? What's become of her?" "she was turned by the curse, she begged us to tell you" Larrith tells him "just as I thought but what became of her?" "she died Athras but not before she sent her love to you" I told him "she told you that? Yes...that is what she would do (sighs) at least she is at peace. Ma serannas for everything" he then turns to walk away but Vee stopped him.

"Athras who is the first?" "the first is the next mage who will become Keeper if anything happens to the Keeper, if you are looking for Zathrian's first she is over there, her name is Lanaya" Athras tells us "thank you Athras" we all say.

"Poor guy, I hope he feels better soon" Marilla says. We walk over to the elf that Athras pointed out and she turns to us as well as the majority of the camp "Andaran atish’an outsiders, (sighs) I fear what you have to tell us seeing as Zathrian is not with you".

We then proceed to tell the Dalish what happened.

"Then it is done, Zathrian has banished all traces of cursed blood from our hunters. It is too bad Zathrian had to die. I...I felt it, when he departed but I think he was ready to go" Lanaya says after we explain everything "I'm sure he did but did you know about his connection to the curse?" Marilla asks her "I suspected but...Zathrian did not like to talk about his past. Nonetheless, the curse is over, and no-one else will be subjected to the curse" "will you still help us defeat the Darkspawn?" Larrith asks "I am Keeper now so let me make it official then: I hear by swear to uphold the terms of the ancient contract our people formed with the Grey Wardens, speaking of which where is the Grey Warden?" Lanaya asked us "we don't actually know one minute they where with us the next they where gone?" I told her "I will have some of the hunters keeping an eye out for them then but call and we shall come to your aid in the fight, with great speed and purpose, and we shall strike the Darkspawn. This I swear." Lanaya swears to us.
"Thank you Lanaya" we all same simultaneously. "hehe no thank you, you are the ones who helped us now it is our turn to help you, ma serannas" she then turns to the hunters.

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