Chapter 11 Elves (Part 3)

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Mentions of torture and rape

Rose's POV

As soon as the white wolf jumped between us I suddenly thought "oh Maker, another one" but suddenly just after I thought that the wolf let out a loud howl.
Once it stopped all of the werewolves turned and ran back into the abandoned temple with the white wolf following behind them.

We all lowered our weapons "well then" Sarina said "that just happened" "but what did happen there? and why was there a regular wolf?" Marilla asked "I don't know, but we need to keep going. Be very cautious we don't know what we'll face in here" Sarina said.

We all started to walk closer to the temple and just as we reached an entrance archway we noticed three werewolves at the front door of the temple "we are invaded! Intruders have deceived their way into the forests heart! Retreat and protect the Lady!" the wolves then turned and ran "uh what?" I ask "who where they talking about and Swiftrunner? Who is this Lady?" Larrith questions "no clue I guess the only way to find out is to keep going forward" Sarina says as we start walking over to the doors.

We reach the doors and push them open to reveal a large room that appears to be a- "is this some kind of Vestibule the Dalish built?" Vee asks "jeez what is with everyone in saying what I'm thinking" I thought "I think so, ok from now on do not under any circumstance let your guard down" Sarina tells us and I notice everyone grip their weapons tighter so I did too.

We walk further into the Vestibule and I notice a bunch of skeletons lying around "I wonder how long they have been here?" I say "no idea" Marilla says as she come to stand next to me "hey how's your hand?" she asks "wow I forgot about my hand" it's alright its healed up now but just a bit tender that's all" I reassure her "great".

We keep walking into the Vestibule when we see a door to the right, but when we try opening it, it dosent open "dame I think the wolves blocked it" Sarina says so we continued walking past the Vestibule into this large corridor that seems to split into a crossroad. We walk into the centre of the four corridors and stop "dame it, which way?" Sarina questions.

Sarina's POV

"Ok think, which way are the wolves?" I think to myself "why don't I find out?" my wolf suggests "NO, I mean not yet I don't want them to see you yet" as we start to argue with eachother Fir and Delta start to get agitated by something "woah hey what's wrong?" Larrith and Vee ask them but then I heard the noise I despise.

The hiss of giant spiders.

I quickly scan around looking for the monsters but I don't see anything. I look at the guys and ask them if they see anything but they don't. I keep looking till I hear it again this time closer then a chill went up my back "please Maker tell me there not" I look up at the ceiling and there are, about 20 giant spiders above us in a large hole slowly creeping down to us "MOTHER-" I shout as I jump away but trip over a stick. The others finally see them too.

Rose's POV

"OH COME ON!" I shout in my head just as the spiders land on the ground "ok now I can tell why Sarina hates these things" the spiders then attack and we start fighting them but one by one they started to fall and we where winning till, we kill about 10 of them, they all started to run back to where they came from "probably the depths of hell, jeez" I think. After they leave I look around and see Sarina still on their butt but they have a smile on their face "what you smiling at?" I ask them "oh nothing, just the fact you all managed to take down at least 10 giant spiders without me" they say as they stand back up "ok now I understand why you hate those things Sarina" Marilla says and we all nod our heads agreeing "hehe yeah but we should get out of here, incase my worst nightmare appears" Sarina says whispering that last bit that I don't think the others heard but I did, but held off on asking "probably just talking about any more of those beasts" I think.

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