Chapter 18 Mages (Part 2)

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Vee's POV

After we walked up the first flight of stairs I noticed we had entered the towers library but my magic could feel something was in the same room "guys I think were not alone I can feel" I said "I smell it too" Rose said "lets keep going we need to find the first enchanter hopefully he's survived through all this" Sarina said.

We walked further into the library keeping our guard up until I noticed abominations along a library corridor "get behind cover!" I told the others. We ducked behind a large shelve of books, Marilla was the closest to the edge "Marilla take a quick peek and see how many there are" Sarina whispered "ok" Marilla whispered back and I could hear the nervousness in her voice, understandable, she poked her head round the corner and Omnia too took a peak around the corner from her shoulder a second later they came back "how many are there?" Larrith asked "from what I could see there are at least three" "ok we need to get rid of them before..." Sarina couldn't finish their sentence cause Rose interrupted because of Athena "no Athena please don't sneeze" and I saw Athena's head lean back but before she sneezed Delta used his wing to cover her nose and it looked like it worked...for a second "achoo" Athena sneezed mini flames which ultimately attracted the attention of the abominations.

"Shoot, well we had to fight them anyway lets do this!" Sarina said and we got out from behind the shelve to face the abominations and I could instantly tell the Rose, Larrith and Marilla had never encountered demons before cause their faces went pale. I used my magic to force one backwards but it kept comeing forward. I noticed Sarina was busy with one of them but the third was approaching the other three so I quickly levitated three books and hit the other three with the books which snapped them out of their trance just in time before the abomination could reach them .

I turned back to the abomination I pushed and I used my magic to draw on the magic within the building and I could feel myself getting stronger but there was something strange from that magic but I had no time to think about it as  Lucille had jumped off my shoulder and flew to the floor and tripped the abomination up with her tail which gave me the chance to pour fire onto the abomination practically disintegrating it. "Strange normally it would take a bit more than that to kill a Demon" I thought. I looked around and saw Sarina pull their sword out of their abomination's chest and Marilla pull a couple arrows out of the abomination that almost got the three of them, Rose wipe her daggers and Larrith putting her lance in its holder while looking towards me "are you three alright?" I asked "ye...yeah I think so" Rose said "its alright I was scared too the first time I encountered demons in the Fade when I was a child" I told them which appeared to ease any tension in them "we should keep going there's bound to be more further in" Sarina said.

We started to continue walking when I noticed Larrith was still looking at me "what's wrong Larrith?" I asked "nothing bad, its just I noticed Lucille fly earlier but that shouldn't be possible, they only hatched a couple day ago, it should take at least one or two months till they learn to fly and since they don't have a mother to show them it should have taken longer" Larrith said "maybe she learnt by watching Delta?" Marilla suggested "maybe I don't know" Larrith said. We moved through the library and ended up in the apprentices living quaters and studies "this is where new apprentances or apprentances who have not gone through the Harrowing. I dont actually know what happens during the Harrowing" I told the others "my mentor Duncan told me about the Harrowing, he said apprentances are sent into the Fade to fight off a demon, which is a way of showing their strenght, if they win they can come back and they become a mage if they fail and the demon possesses them the Templars will kill them" Sarina said "that sounds awful why would they willing send people into the fade like that?" Marrilla asks "good freaking question" I said.

We pass by a few studies and quaters killing any demons that we pass but in one of the studies we heard voices "keep quite" Sarina whispered we then hid behind the closed door and listened. From what i heard it sounded like two guys and a lady "the circle has fallen we can escape now" guy one said "we cant not with all those Demons and the Templars guarding the only door in or out of here" the lady said "but surely we can find some other way out" guy one said "both of you quiet I think something is listening to us" guy two said just as he said that an loud bang came from the room and we heard shouting and spells flying so Sarina kicked the door open sword and shield at the ready and I saw a Rage Demon attacking the mages.

We rushed in and the Rage Demon attacked us but we over powered it greatly and it went down quickly unfortunatly it had killed the two men and only injured the lady as we approached her she begged us "please, please dont kill me" "your a blood mage arent you?" I asked her "the people you killed didnt want to die either" Sarina said "yes I am a blood mage and i know I have no right to ask for mercy, but i didnt mean for the death and destruction. We were just trying to free ourselves. Uldred told us that the circle would support Loghain and Loghain would help us to be free of the chantry. You dont know what it is like to live here. The Templars watching...always watching. You're a appostate didnt you have to live your life on the run?" she asked me "no cause I kept to myself and never used my magic in front of people and I'm not a mage im a witch" I told her "then you are lucky. We thought...someone always has to take the first step...force a change, no matter the cost." the lady said "so killing all those innocent people simply for a change justifies your actions? how stupid are you?" Marrilla asked "now Uldred's gone mad, and we are scattered, doomed to die at the hands of those who seek to right our wrongs..." "surely you are aware we cannot let you get away with all of this" Sarina said "I know i just wish I could have atoned for what I have done, please know that I am sorry I never wanted this to go as bad" the lady said just before she died due to her injures.

"We need to find Uldred and stop all of this and make him pay for what he has done" Larrith said "hey Vee what's the difference between a mage and a witch?" Marrilla asked, the others turned to hear what I was going to say, "well a mage is more likely to be found in a village or a city and the chantry thinks they a dangerous if not watched by Templars but witches tend to live away from people like in forest like I did and they tend to keep to themselves and they are less likely to attract Demons cause mages tend to be a little bit more powerful than witches" I told them.

We continued down the corridors of the floor killing Demon and other blood mages that tried to kill us. We opened a quarter door and saw that it was filled with charred corpses the same corpses that attacked Redcliffe we fought and killed them all "why are there corpses here too?" Rose asks "maybe their is a similar Demon here that is in Redcliffe" Sarina said and we kept going until we reached a set of stairs leading to the mages quarters ,the ones who passed the Harrowing, and went through the floor killing more and more demons and blood mages "it seems that there is more and more Demons appearing" I said "maybe we're getting close to stopping this" Larrith said "let's hope so" Rose said we made it through the third floor and we found the first enchanters study "hey guys can we just have a look in here? please" I asked "why? that's the first enchanters study" I know but I have a feeling that we should have a look" "alright but we need to move quick then" Sarina said.

We quickly looked through the first enchanters shelves and storage until I found what called to me which happened to be a book but not just any book it was a Black Grimoire. "What's that Vee?" Rose asked "It's called a Black Grimoire. It is a book filled with really ancient magic and sometimes really dark magic but Grimoires only call on a witches' or mage's magic like it did with me when it feels like a mage or witch needs it" "ok put it in your bag and lets keep going, technically a first enchanter is not supposed to have a book like that incase a mage or apprentice finds it" Sarina said. We left the first enchanters study and went to the stairs that led up to the next floor only to be met by a Sloth Demon.

Sorry about it being a while I kinda forgot about this for a while but don't worry I'm back. 

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