Chapter 14 Redcliffe (Part 1)

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Sarina's POV

We start to walk towards the bridge to Redcliffe castle but we get stopped by a young man who appeared to be a scout and in distress.

"Excuse me? I...I thought I saw travelers coming down the road, though I scarcely believed it" the young man said "wait a minute Thomas? Is that you?" I ask him "yes who... wait I recognise you...Sarina is that you?" Thomas asks "yeah, it's good to see you old friend" I say to him.

"Um Sarina who is he?" Marilla asks "oh right guys this is Thomas, my old friend from growing up, Thomas these are my traveling friends from traveling, but Thomas we are here to see Bann Teagan and Arl Eamon. We got word Redcliffe is under attack" I say.
"So the Maker and Bann Teagan finally sent someone? Oh praise Andraste. Come I will take you to Bann Teagan" Thomas says but instead of going towards the castle Thomas starts to head towards the village "wait Thomas Bann Teagan is in the village?" I ask confused. "Yeah he's all that been keeping us together. Come let me take you to him and he'll explain what's been happening" Thomas says.

We follow Thomas down to Redcliffe village and into Redcliffe's church and the men who, have weak armour and swords, guard the doors, open them for us and we walk in to see a lot of villagers within who are either injured, alive yet struggling and or even dead.

As I'm looking around I notice a lot of people I once knew alive or dead but I didn't have time to talk or morn as I saw Bann Teagan at the far end of the church and all eight of us walk over to him.

"Bann Teagan? Sarina has returned" Thomas tells him "Sarina? Oh how it is good to see you again" Bann Teagan says "and you too Bann Teagan" I say to him "and who are your friends?" Bann Teagan asks "these are some new Recruits who are traveling with me, they are also my friends" I tell him.

"Greetings Recruits. My name is Bann Teagan, Bann of Redcliffe and brother of the Arl" "it is an honour to meet you Bann Teagan" Vee says "and you Grey Wardens" Bann Teagan replies.
"Bann Teagn, you mentioned in your raven that Redcliffe was under attack?" I ask him.

"I had better start from the begining then. To start off with Eamon has fallen gravely ill. No one has heard from the castle in days. No guards patrol the walls, and no one has responded to my shouts" Bann Teagan tells us "the Arl is ill? How?" Marilla asks him.
"I do not know. What I do know is that the attacks started a few nights ago. Evil...things...surged from the castle. We drove them back, but many perished during the assault, Kaitlyn was one of them, I understand she was a friend of yours and Thomas am I right?" Bann Teagan asks me.

I was in shock that one of my childhood friends was not here anymore that I didn't respond but Rose did "what evil things are you talking about?" she asks Bann Teagan "some call them the walking dead; decomposing corpses returning to life with a hunger for human flesh. They come again the next night. Each night they come, with greater numbers. With King Cailan dead and Loghain starting a war over the throne, no one responds to my urgent calls for help".

"Wait the king of Ferelden is dead? And who is Loghain?" Larrith asked "King Cailan died at the battle of Ostagar fighting the horde of Darkspawn with the Grey Wardens and his own army. I was the only Warden to escape but Loghain is a traitor and snake, he deserted the battlefield with his men" I told the girls but I had to stop talking as I could feel a growl from my wolf coming up the more I thought of that snake.

"He sounds like a right slimeball" Rose says "Grey Wardens I have a feeling tonight's assault will be the worst yet, Sarina I hate to ask, but I desperately need the help of you and your friends" Bann Teagan practically begs "of course we'll help" I say and the girls, Fir and Delta nod there heads in agreement.
"Thank you! Thank you, this...means more to me than you can guess. Thomas please tell Murdock and the others what happened here" Bann Teagan says "yes my lord" Thomas says then he turns and leaves "now then we must prepare for tonight's assualt if you need anything please give me a shout" Bann Teagan says as he walks away to help villagers in need.

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