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Opening my eyes, looking over at my clock it had said two in the afternoon. Feeling a little wavy at first, I got up and almost stumbled over. Did this morning happen or was it just a dream? I asked myself. Standing straight to scan the room, I realized my high definition eye sight. Everything was inhanced in my room, cracks and paint chips I've never noticed, names from the lipstick casings from on the dresser and even into the room across the street through the window in extreme detail. Then the scents in my room began to wait around, from the paint that has been on my walls for years to the several perfumes I had on my dresser that havent been sprayed, along with what smelt like bacon grease... Off a plate... In the sink, in the kitchen. Walking around to the full length body mirror in my room, I zoomed so fast that I don't think anyone with human eyes were able to see me. I stopped and looked at myself. It wasn't just my senses that have changes but my features did a bit too. My thick body was the same but my hair seemed longer, my lips looked more full and my eyes... They were changing colours as my curiosity breached.

"Whoa.." opening my mouth, looking back I saw my fangs. They weren't crazy long but I could tell they were there. That's when the pang of hurt hit me. Feeling woosey again but this time with a dreadfully dehydrated and a burning on my throat as if there were nails Clawing within my neck, while feeling unbalanced. Looking back at my dresser, there was a note and two water bottles, one filled with water and the other filled with a red substance. Picking up the note, I read:

Morning love,
You'll need water to hydrate, and blood to keep yourself from feeling sick.  I know you have questions and i'll answer them. Don't find me, I'll find you and we'll talk then.
                         yours truly,
Ps. Careful outside. New borns burn easier

Taking up the bottle filled with blood I popped the lid and downed it all at once, then doing the same with the bottle of water.

Leaning over my desk chair, holding onto it with both hands, I felt my energy returning to my body and then some. I felt stronger almost instantly. With the newly found strength coursing through me.

"Damn..." with a smile, I licked my lips tasting the dry lining of blood.

Moving from my room to the washroom, I went through my daily hygiene routine and came back to my room to get ready. Tossing on high waisted blue jeans, red converse and a white lace short sleeve shirt. I packed my purse before going out and heading to a near by Starbucks for a vanilla bean frappuccino and some reading time.

Cracking open my book, I began to read. Taking a sip of my drink once every few sentances.

"A Starbucks? Out of all places you chose here?"  his deep voice was as smooth as the smell of coffee that was made here. Smooth coming up.. And probably going down.

Peaking over my book, I saw him. His beautiful brown eyes, nicely shapen eye brows, light skin, low shaved hair cut, chizzeled jaw line and pearly white smile with a side dimple. This kid was beautiful as hell- why did I run back to Aaron when I could have just stayed with all of that?

"Leo... You look wow" he sat down in the seat across before me comfortably and filled with pride. He had my heart skipping every other beat- which was weird seeing that I shouldn't even be having a heart beat or warm blood.

"You don't look comfortable, wanna switch locations?"

"Yeah" I watched as Leo got up and walked out, I quickly gathered my stuff and followed him out to see a glossy black Cadillac with tinted windows and a glow board under the car that glowed blue by the wheels. Compared to my little blue 2007 Honda Civil, it was like a shack to a mansion. Getting into my car I followed behind him, passing the streets, through the valley and into the woods. Pulling to a hault, he turned off his engine and I did as well. Getting out of the car, I realized he was already sitting in the tree across from the cars.

"Task one, get your ass up here" raising an eye brow up at him, I bolted to the tree and quickly began to bounce from side to side, finding little ingroves in the tree to put my feet and hands. Once getting up, I sat next to him.

"Not bad, but next time narrowed your feet. Bend your knees, breath, concentrate on how high you wanna get and then just jump." he informed before moving on "I wanna train you a bit, get you used to your powers"

"I don't wanna train,.... " I said hopping down from the tree, the landing was hard, not on me but everything else. Once I landed the leaves around waved back as if it were a semi sonic circular blast around me.

"Shit. You have a lot more power than I expected. But you need to train"

"If i train, can I kill Lilith. With my cold bare hands" he folded his arms leaning against the rock with a deceitful smile on his face.

"You're a brave one, first day of being a vamp and you wanna kill people already. Especially someone who has a few days more practice than you?"

"Definitely... The bitch needs to die" crossing over,  I stepped closer to Leo. Standing directly in front of him.

"Mmm... You're no longer human but I can still smell your blood. It's delicious"

"Thank you, now can we start? the sooner the faster I can kill Lilith" Leo's smile showed he was proud, his stance said he was ready but those eyes...  Those eyes were not saying anything clean. Not a damn thing

Lifelessحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن