Its my turn...

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*Leo's point of view *

I've never done one of these 'pov's' before, but I'm going to try it out. Ha,

I laid here in my bed wrapped in my blanket and in the arms of the woman I loved. In a short amount of time I leaned that she was spectacular and the lit up my life more than any sun could.

My woman was stronger than me, I know, she was more cunning than me. I knew that too, but the fact that she does all of this and she is able to keep up and hold of me, that's what I call a woman.

I watched as she opened her eyes and smiled once she looked at me.

"Hello sunshine"

"Hai Leo" her voice was soft and tired. She then pulled me closer to her. Her body heat radiating onto my body, felt really nice. I can honestly say that I wouldn't mind waking up like this every day. "Oh wait" she shot up from the bed and began to scramble for her clothes.

I sat up and watched as she began to rush to pull everything back on.

"Cam, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just remembered that I need to get home. Told my friend that I would"

She was fully dressed in under two minutes and zipped on top of me. Pressing a quick kiss on my lips, she smiled.

"message me later" she grabbed her bag and disappeared from the room. Leaving me alone and a little empty. I sighed and laid back in my bed, letting my mind wander.

*Cam's point of view *

I ran home, really fast. Sprinted through the fields, up dusty back roads and back to the city as the sun began to make Its way up the horizon.

Making it back to my house, I saw the window to my room slightly open. Checking my phone it was 5:50 am on a Saturday. Which was the time Jhené would usually be up. Typing away on that computer of hers. I shoved my phone back into my back pocket, ran up the driveway and took a leep of faith that had me soaring through the air and on the roof right next to my window.

I pulled the window up a little and kicked onw foot in before sliding through and falling onto the floor of my bed room. Looking over at the bed, I saw Jhené on the bed with her laptop wide open. She looked over at me and smiled.

"I see my best friend came back victoriously. " She said getting up from the bed and walking over to me.

"Damn right I did " I said with a smirk. She held out a helping hand and pulled me back onto my feet.

Where I then kicked off my shoes, yanked off my jacket and collapsed onto the bed next to the laptop.

"You look tired" She said as she sat back down and pulled the laptop onto her lap.

"Exhausted" I exclaimed.

My muscles screamed out in tired pain and agony. Feeling so brittle and broken, I allowed myself to heal.

"Want a drink?" She asked me as she held our her arm. I looked up at her and she smiled at me. "I bet the fight wasn't the only thing that tired you out"

Ha, I get it.

I rolled my eyes as i ran my hand over her arm.

"You sure?" I asked

Jhené reached over to grab her water bottle and the bandages. that's when it hit me that she already had this planned. But I truly didn't know how, how on earth she knew.

"Positive" She pulled open her water bottle and chugged half of it before closing it back and showing me her arm again.

I took the arm in my hand and took again deep breath before digging my teeth into my best friends arm.

Her blood was sweet and almost addicting. I didn't know why it was so good but truly i didn't care. I heard as she moaned and I shot her the dirtiest look, then I remembered what my bite to a human was... i laughed to myself as i finished taking my drink.

Only taking a pint, I released my teeth and bandaged up the wound, that would go away within the next hour or so.

She fell back against the bed and sighed as she picked up her water bottle and began to finish it. I laid down next to her, sighed and curled up into a ball. Ready to dream sweetly.

"Thanks love"

"No problem"

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