I don't understand

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Now knowing how keen his abilities were, how enhanced his senses were and how

powerful he actually was... I knew that this was definitely the most dangerous situation I've been encountered with all my life. My name is Camille Auburn and Im a hostage of what I think may be a vampire... Locked  away from my family and friends somewhere in the woods.

Sitting on the floor with my book in hand, in a dimly lighted chamber with a small wardrobe, a twin sized bed, a locked chest sitting at the end of the bed with two black rugs on either side of the bed, a chestnut bookshelf filled with books against the wall along with a body length mirror, black drapes that covered the windows and a chandelier hanging above.

Still not having a clue why I had to be something one..Why he took me from my family. What did I do to deserve this. And what disturbs me most is that- he's attractive and as much as his intensive eyes watch me I feel the urge to have him. But pull away last minute because my pride, integrity and boyfriend come first. He planned this, there was no other explanation...  But the question remained- why'd he do it?

Lifelessजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें