Black of Night, Red of Blood

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"Like he said, Lilly take all..." Lilith's ass began, trying to talk up "Cuz let's face it Cam. You're weak. If you were stronger you would have left the mansion earlier and without my help" she cracked her knuckles, head and back before looking at me.

"Weak isn't staying somewhere you want to be," I spat back viciously before toying with her head "but that mirror trick, did you jot remove the marks I left on Leo's back before you tried to seduce him?"

Her smile quickly disappeared as she tries to remember if I left marks on him or not, I didn't sleep with him, but she doesn't need to know that.

"You're such a whore, didn't you have a boyfriend? Why would you fuck Leo?"

"Says the slut that slept with my boyfriend"

Our banter went on for a moment and then was cut with a deafening silence, everyone stood in silence while there was so much tension it could be cut with a butter knife. Our stares interlocked with dirty looks and I knew one of us were going to die tonight. The only thing that truly scared me was, which one was it going to be...

"Time to end this" I thought to myself, but before I could act on it. Lilith dropped her cloak and sprinted this way,

As a counter action, I rushed at her too.

She had cuffed her arm and caught my neck in a close lined slam. Almost choking me, pulled into a head lock and threw us both onto the ground. Fighting to breathe, I jabbed my elbows back into her chest, making her release me.

Flipping over, I straddled her lap and punched her square in the face shattering her nose. Covering my fist and her face in blood and causing her head to hit the ground and bounced back up into my next punch. As I itched for the third one, Lilith jammed her hands forward into my stomach, the blow to hit me hard.

Flying off her and through the air, I hit my back against the nearest tree in my path. Hitting my head and back against it. The strain killed by body, ached like a bitch. Being half human made all this hurt just as bad as it would be if i were full.

I collapsed onto the ground, losing hope and fast.

Breathing hard and heavy, I felt my back in such pain. I knew for a fact that it was broken, but also quickly repairing itself. God how much I wish I had some blood right about now. Just a drop...

Looking up, as I pushed my hands against the ground to get up in a mass struggle. I heard her footsteps and within seconds She was holding me up by my hair. She slammed my back against the tree harshly, and repeated the action once more before taking her free hand to close around my neck and tighten.

"Give up bitch, take your beating and die"

And just like my dream, she started to reach for my chest, ready to claw and pull my heart out "Any last words?" she asked

My still beating heart pumped loud and rapidly. I could hear it through my ears, I felt myself dying, scared and terrified for my life... That's. When I heard a click, my spine had just finished rehealing and that's when I remember the knife I brought with me. I reached my hand into my back pocket and flicked open my knife. I smirked.

"Yeah one... Your times up"

Pulling the knife around, I jabbed it in her neck right through her windpipe. She let go gasping for air, struggling to remove the knife. Without hesitation, I grabbed the knife and dragged it down from her throat to her stomach.

Basically cutting her open. As she tried to regenerate her body, I spun her around and hopped onto her back. Invading her head into a lock, I dug my teeth into her neck and sucked her dry of blood. Once satisfied with my blood craving. I snapped her neck and ripped her head completely off her body.

Hopping off her back, I watch her body collapse. Tired, with a blood satisfied appetite, I carried her head back to the guys by her blonde hair and my head up with a proud look in my eyes and a straight face.

"Let this be a lesson to you" I say to the gorgeous men she carried with her "This is what happens when you mess with the bull... In other words, do not fuck with me" throwing the head at them, I walked over to Leo, taking him by the neck I pulled him down and kissed him deeply.

You were fucking amazing out there baby...

I smiled into the kiss as I heard him in my head.

Thanks babe, it means a lot

We broke the kiss and I wrapped my arm around him as we walked back to the house. While the guys collected their leaders body.

It was over for now, I had won. And she was dead,

Thank you God

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