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"Hey, doll." Bucky says, entering Freya's tent. Freya lifts an eyebrow, confused.

"Doll?" Freya asks

Bucky blushes. "Sorry, it just came out." Bucky says "It's fine." Freya says

Bucky smiles softly at her. "So when are you going on leave." Bucky asks "In two months." Freya says

"Me too." Bucky says happily. "Yeah well I won't be able to go to New York, I have to be right back within a week so I'm staying in Italy for a while," Freya says

"That sucks, but as it would seem I have to stay in Italy as well, what a coincidence." Bucky says, with a grin.

Freya doesn't look impressed. "What you stalking me now?" Freya asks, repeating his words from the other day.

Bucky gives her a boyish grin, making the corner of her lips twitch. "Maybe I just want to cash in on that stroll." Bucky says

"Ahh yes the walk under the stars, fine when we get off leave we can take a stroll, doesn't mean we have to see each other after that." Freya teases

Bucky smirks, "Nahh you'd miss me, you wouldn't be able to stay away." Bucky says

Freya smirks. "Ohh I can stay away, you are the one who wouldn't be able to stay away for long it's always you who comes knocking." Freya says

Bucky playfully glares. "Ohh you'll pay for that one." Bucky says

"Oh really, what would you do mister nice guy." Freya goads.

Bucky playfully growls, nearing her, making her back up and hit the edge of the bed.

Bucky watches with a smirk, caging her in, putting his arms on either side of her. Bucky leans forward so his breath washes over her neck, sending chills down her spine.

"Oh darling I ain't all that nice. And when I say you are going to pay, I mean it." Bucky whispers

Freya's eyes were dark, eyes moving down to his lips. She smirks, biting hers.

"You are all bark no bite, James." Freya teases

Bucky's eyes darken and he roughly grabs her neck and squeezes, lunging forward, his lips slamming against hers and he roughly kisses her.

Freya gasped against his lips, giving him an advantage, shoving his tongue into her mouth.

The kiss turned heated real quick, Bucky pressed her to the bed, and both had their eyes closed.

Bucky rips his lips away from her mouth and begins kissing down her neck, Freya lets out a little gasp of pleasure.

"James." Freya breaths

She hasn't been touched like this by a man for years. She hasn't let herself.

Suddenly Bucky roughly pulls away. "This is wrong." Bucky pants, lips red.

Freya was still on the bed, disheveled. Freya knows what he's thinking and he's right.

Steve and him are friends. Freya nods. "No hard feelings. I understand and it is wrong, Steve's your friend and we went on a date." Freya says

"I wish you guys didn't." Bucky says, running a hand through his hair. "I wouldn't take that day away, he's a good man. It's just wrong timing." Freya says

"Yeah." Bucky says

"Friends." Freya asks "Friends." Bucky agrees, rather reluctantly.

Both weren't exactly happy about it, but it was for the best.


Days later.

Freya is in the middle of a field, holding a med kit. She was running. There were many explosions surrounding her, a dark omen.

Freya was sent off to help as many soldiers as she could on the field. She wasn't a combat medic but they were getting killed by the bulk so she was sent off, with a few nurses at her side.

When Bucky heard he was outraged and tried to change her mind but she was quick to calm him down.

Bucky was worried about her and he was still pissed but he controlled it.

"Fuck." Someone curses

Freya's head snaps up and she sees a large man, with a bullet wound at his side. Freya runs over.

Freya kneels at his side. The man tries to cover it up but she grabs his wrist stopping him.

"Here I got it." Freya says "No it's fine don't waste any bandages on me, I'll heal." The man says

"Yeah in weeks and that doesn't stop the fact that you will bleed out before that does happen." Freya says with a small snark.

The man shakes his head, lifting his shirt to show her the wound which was already closing.

Freya was shocked. What the hell, the wound was stitching up right before her eyes.

"You are human." Freya says "Yeah but much more than that, you say that like you aren't one." The man says

"What are you?" Freya asks

He couldn't be Asgardian, or Jotun, she would notice. But he is also not anything she recognizes, many aliens can't heal as quickly as he can.

And he looks very human, aliens have various skin tones.

The man grunts. "Don't worry about it, sweetheart." The man says

Freya rolls her eyes. "What's your name then." Freya asks "Logan." Logan grunts, standing up.

Freya nods. "Freya." Freya introduces

Suddenly Logan grabs Freya from the waist, just before a bullet hits the spot she was just in.

Freya's eyebrows lift up, impressed. "Okay, so regenerative healing and super reflexes. I'm keeping an eye on you." Freya says

Logan gives her a smirk. "You are going to have to keep up then, doll." Logan says

Doll. That's what Bucky calls her.


For the rest of the day, Freya's been running around, helping as many people as she can.

Logan has been following her around, keeping her covered. It seemed like he couldn't help but make sure she was safe.


Finally, Freya was tagged out, another doctor taking her place so she could finally rest.

Logan was heading back as well, the two walking side by side, neither as tired as the others were.

Both inhuman.

"So are you ever going to tell me what you are?" Freya asks

Logan smirks. "I rather leave you wondering." Logan says

Freya smirks.

"Mysterious. You are not an axe murder are you?" Freya questioned, narrowing her eyes playfully.

"You will never know." Logan teases

Immortal (Bucky B., Steve R., Logan H.) Book 1जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें