Arc 4 Chapter 13: Undying Love

Start from the beginning

"I'll take that one and I'd like to see that one and that one as well..." S piled up a small handful of expensive looking grey robes while seemingly forgetting about the growing resentful young man behind her.

Just as Jun thought he had been completely forgotten about, S pointed towards him.

"Why haven't you tried on any yet? Don't waste my time."

Jun was confused as he looked around. "What...?"

"Hurry up and try them on." S insisted as she handed him all the robes she had collected.

'The robes are for me...?' Jun looked stunned down at the pile in his arms, he never imagined that his Sensei was picking out robes for him... 'Wait, at the last store did she also intend to as well...?'

'Could she perhaps be thinking of me, has she acknowledged me.... even just a little?' He couldn't help but wonder.

His heat beat a little quicker.


He was already well aware of the type of person his Sensei was. She was an evil immortal with the appearance of a seductress, she was cruel and cared for no one but herself. She didn't think of him as anything more then a tool for her gain.

Still as Jun thought this he couldn't help but hold onto a faint hope that maybe she cared about him... maybe just a little...

Quickly Jun did as his Sensei ordered and fashioned the robes on his body.

"Ah, once a pathetic mutt always a pathetic mutt, still those clothes help a bit. At least now I no longer have to feel so nauseated looking at your pathetic dirty appearance everyday." S cruelly spoke making the young man's previous thoughts immediately sizzle out.

'Of course she doesn't care about me... Haha, what the hell was I getting so worked up for? She only wants me as a source for Qi, as a meal...'' Jun's eyes turned bitterly sad as he continued to silently try on a few more robes.

While Jun did this S simply picked out a single silky black robe, something that would continue to match her role as Villain. 

The Villain was never too picky about material things for herself, after all it all felt the same for her in each world, it's not like she ever got to keep anything. 

Once Jun finished trying on the robes and they were done, S turned to the shopkeeper. "I'll take all of them."

Shopkeeper: "...."

Jun: "...."

The Shopkeeper looked truly flabbergasted. He did not sell cheap robes at his shop, the total cost of them all together would be rather expensive!

Although the woman looked to be rich he wasn't quite sure she could afford it.

Shopkeeper: "It will be 80 gold coins for a single robe..."

Jun eyes widened in disbelief, even though he had been living in the secluded mountain for the past past two years, he was still aware that 80 gold coins was terribly expensive!

S looked unsurprised as she heard the amount, instead she simply took out a large bag of gold coins stored in her side bag. "Good, I will pay for everything."

With disbelief the shopkeeper took the money as the two walked out of the shop with the robes.

Correction, as the two walked out and S stuffed all the robes onto a certain young man while she freely walked ahead...

Although Jun wanted to hold his regular resentment towards the woman, inwardly he couldn't help but feel a strange conflicting feeling well up deep inside him from the woman's actions today. He hated her that was true, but somewhere deep inside his soul he felt as though his hatred for her was misplaced and deeply wrong.

And rather than hate, for a long time now he felt an even deeper feeling well up inside of him, he felt the feeling of-

Suddenly as the two continued to walk they passed a crowd of hard working men who had just been busy farming.

Watching the cloaked beauty walk past them they couldn't help but openly gawk and stare.

Seeing the men stare at his Sensei Jun instantly felt a strange stuffy feeling begin to berate his heart. It felt painful and suffocating, his heart felt deeply twisted and dark, he didn't like it. 

Still he was filled with a bit of reassurance knowing his teacher. 'Ha like she'll pay any attention to the likes of you.' He inwardly thought.

However just as Jun thought this his Sensei suddenly stopped before the men and looked up at them, on her face she wore a gentle warm smile to the astonishment of Jun.

"...." Jun's heart grew painfully coiled.

'Sensei has never smiled like that in front of me...' He couldn't help but inwardly think.

Whenever she looked at him it was always filled with painful distain. It the past few years he had known her, he didn't even know she was capable of smiling gently...

The painful feeling that had been berating Jun's heart only further spread, he wanted to desperately reach out and pull his Sensei aside but instead he clenched his fist tightly by his side, bitterly he looked down.

'They're not him...' The Villain slightly frowned and turned.

Truthfully when she had looked at the tall muscular men, they slightly reminded he of Jun and what he had looked like in the last world.

Thinking such a thought she had unknowingly given them a gentle smile.

However knowing they weren't Jun, S's smile quickly disappeared and was instead replaced with a cold chill as she calmly walked ahead.

Desert Note: (The Villain's weaknesses part 2)

Desert: "I have concluded that the Villain's top three weaknesses are..."

I have none

I have none


The Villain indifferently: *Sigh "...fine."

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