Arc 4 Chapter 11: Undying Love

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The Villain was quite pleased with Jun's development, he would surely attract the eyes of many women in the future, that's why she made sure to never damage his face during their spars.

As the Villain thought this she suddenly felt her body pulsate with a familiar pain, although it didn't bother her she knew she needed to hurry.

While Jun was still kneeled over on the ground, S suddenly put her hand on his shoulder as she began to apply a familiar technique. 


Jun felt a sharp pain fill his entire body, it was the same pain he had felt multiple times before, it felt like his body was being ripped apart piece by piece. He hated the pain but even more then that, he hated the woman who looked down on him cruelly.

"Ha how pathetic, growing so weak over a little pain?" S viscously smiled before removing her hand. "Now do a hundred more situps, pushups, and then go back to regulating your Qi."

"Yes... Sensei." Jun weakly spat out the words. 

Although his voice held bitter disdain in calling her that, S had made sure he called her by the proper title. By making him call her Sensei it felt cold and distant while also gearing more of his hate. 

"Good, now I shall go mediate on my own." S coldly turned as she gracefully walked away, her black robes swaying in the gentle morning wind as she left. 

As the Villain walked away she could feel her body continuously pulsing, she knew she needed to mediate by herself so she continued to calmly walk to her humble dwellings.

Only after walking inside of the wooden hut into her room did she collapse on the hard floor. 

She couldn't feel pain, but her body was deeply pained. Quickly she pulled herself into a meditative pose as she began to focus on her meridians.

"Ah still in disarray..." The Villain silently mused.

Ever since she began giving her Qi away to Jun it took a huge toll on her body.

After all Qi transfer was a strong technique not to be used lightly, if anything it was supposed to be used once or twice in a decade, not once every night! 

The Villain was literally giving away her own body's internal energy so of course her strength would grow weakened.

Luckily for the Villain, she was quite experienced in cultivation worlds, so although her body was struggling, using various techniques she was able to mediate and maintain her bodies health for the time being. Not only that, but due to the former S's evil actions of stealing other's Qi, the body still contained quite a bit of it. 

Therefore Villain wasn't too worried, she still had enough Qi to contain herself for the time being. 

However the fact  remained, her strength was rapidly depleting, before that happened she would make sure to leave the world.

With a subtle sigh, the Villain stopped meditating. 

As she glanced downwards she looked at her black silky robes, even though they were still flowing gracefully on her figure they were starting to grow a bit tattered at the ends.

"Come to think of it, Jun's robes have also become quite frayed..." He had long since grown into the few she had provided him, now with the constant spars they were beginning to become withered.

"Perhaps it's time to buy some more." The Villain slyly thought.

Quickly she looked over the worlds current development.

【Story progression: 55%】

In the past few years the favorability between the Liu Wei (ML) and Li Mei (FL) had rose considerably. Even without the Villain interacting with either of them, simply maintained her title as Villain was enough to stabilize a relationship between the two as they planned to one day defeat her. 

Looking up towards her robotic companion she inwardly spoke. "Where is Liu Wei and Li Mei?" 

"They are-....." Before finishing it's sentence the system paused midway, the Villain waited but no reply came.

"Is it glitching again?" She silently wondered.

After all, the past few times she had questioned it, it always seemed to be delay-

System: "Have I finally gained contro-"

The Villain: "Hmmmm?!"

The Villain's thought were quickly interrupted as she shot her head up towards the robotic system. 

For a brief moment she was sure she heard a surprised almost human-like tone come out of it. It startled her as it was unlike the normal monotone voice she was used to.

The Villain looked up with suspicious eyes. "System...?"

As if she was simply imagined things, the normal computing tone of the system suddenly sounded out answering her previous question like nothing happened. "They are in a small city located South called Fey."

The Villain's eyes remained cold and suspicious as she tried to examine the system. She was confused on what she had just heard. Had she simply imagined it or...?

"No." She was certain she had heard something, something real. She wondered what it could be, was it another glitch or something else entirely?

Unfortunately she had no way of finding out what it was. After all the voice had sounded out in her mind, so she was the only one who had heard it. It's not like she could ask anyone else about what it was... or could she?

"perhaps if I ask the source directly..." The Villain lightly mused, it was her only option and better then nothing.

"System, what was that just now? What was that voice?"

【Analyzing. Analyzing. Nothing detected.】 The systems monotone voice sounded out before saying nothing more, unfortunately it was simply a robotic machine. 

Even if it was a glitch or something strange perhaps it had even been programmed not to mention such a thing, so the Villain was left without answers, like usual...

The Villain rubbed her weary eyes. "I suppose it's no use thinking about it."

Quickly she silenced her wandering thoughts, she always did this.

Long ago the Villain had decided to give up on things like curiosity. Although it still bubbled up within her from time to time she quickly dismissed it, she realized it was better not to think about things she would never get the answer to.

After all if she started thinking about unanswered questions, then she would constantly be wondering why she ended up in this situation hundreds of worlds ago to begin with...

Sighing the Villain stood up, although her body was still quite weak with her Qi in disarray she didn't want to mediate any longer, she had other plans.

Like this she headed back outside towards Jun.

Desert Note:  This is the last time-skip for a long time. The time skips are always meant to show the progression of time between Jun and the Villain, showing that there relationship develops over years. Now this is the last time a time-skip will be needed for awhile.

System Part 3 (Part 1: Arc 2 chapter 7, Part 2: Arc 3 chapter 6)

System: "Ah what happened...?"

Desert: "You're ruining the plot! Go back to sleep!" (ง'̀-'́)ง

【*Ding +50% spoiler achieved】

Desert: "D*mmit" (⌐▀͡ ̯ʖ▀)︻̷/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿

System: ( ̄■ ̄;) "*Ehem, ZZzzzz"

The Yandere Cooks for the Villain in Each Worldحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن