Ellies Sacrifice.

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Eleiri looked down at the gorgeous creature she had created with tears flooding her eyes, "Nova, I need to alter you. Dad is in danger."

The fox just looked up at her and chirped a sweet sound and laid in her lap. Nova nuzzled her arms and slowly blinked up at her, he was ready.

"I love you." She kissed her fox on top of his head. She morphed him into a giant wolf and he stood still so the transition could occur. She touched foreheads with her pet and the once pinkish and sparkly creature slowly turned into a dark blue.  "Youre a good boy."

The wolf twitched and growled at the process, his nails digging into the floor of the classroom. The once soft and wispy form turned into  more structured and bulky. Novas eyes once a cheerful yellow turned red and angry. He beared his teeth viciously and growled in irritation. He grew meaner and meaner until Ellie was finished. She took one last look at what she made and couldn't help but cry. Nova, though not Nova any longer looked at her with a hint of reassurance...somewhere in there her dear friend was giving her comfort.

"Go find Dad. Go get the villain." Ellie opened the door and Shoto looked at what she had done.
They led Nova out the back and he ran off ready to carry out his duty.
Shoto laid a hand on her shoulder.

"Sometimes I forget that he was a part of me, that he knows what I know and what I feel." Tears rolled down her face and Shoto held her in his arms.

"Im sorry, Ellie."

"I want to see what happens." She said in his shoulder.

"Okay, come on." Shoto led her back into the classroom and turned the tv on.

All Might was still taking a hit. This guy knew his weakness and he abused it multiple times. Kurogiri was everywhere, hitting him left and right, transporting him every which way to keep him confused and knocking into things.

Kurogiri pinned him to the ground and started crushing his ribs with his bare hands.

"Agh!" All Might cried out, tasting blood gurgling in his throat.

"What's the matter, symbol of peace? Can't be anymore excited that the league is back?" He said crushing another rib.

All Mights vision blurred and blood escaped the corners of his mouth.

"Who would've thought, All Might defeated by only one member of the league. You're slipping."

All Might heard a howl that shook the city streets under him. He looked over to see Nova running full speed towards them. Kurogiri suddenly let go of All Might and started to back away. All Might looked at the vaguely familiar creature and it gave a nod of its head as if shooing him away. All Might stumbled up and ran fir cover.

"What is the meaning of this, All Might?! Called on one of your students for help?"  Kurogiri said eyeing the massive wolf prowling towards him.

"This one I cant explain, but Im glad its got you terrified."

Nova lunged at him and kuro vanished frightened and reappeared where All Might was hiding.

"There you are." Kuro went to take a swing at him and the wolf lunged again, this time biting the formless appendage and dragging him away from All Might. Nova continued to shake him around like a ragdoll until beams of light started to crack through the both of them.

All Might looked on awestruck, his daughter had something to do with this. Kuro screamed out in pain seeing his dark mass turn to light and his particles break down. Nova whined feeling the same pain but carrying on with the task that his master set him out to do. Kuro tried to transport himself but it was no use, his quirk was no longer useful.
Nova pinned Kuro to the ground, biting his neck finishing his attack and making both of them shatter like glass as a bright light burst through the streets. The light sent a Shockwave that made car alarms go off and windows shatter.

The ambulance could be heard in the background and the fight was finally over. All Might collapsed and was sent to the hospital. Ellie stepped in with Shoto following behind her. Bandages were wrapped around All Mights waist and bruises and cuts covered his body.

"Ill leave you two alone for a minute. Let me know if you need anything." Shoto said. Ellie merely nodded and sat next to her dad on the hospital bed. She looked around and an all too familiar worry came upon her. She reached for his hand and squeezed it. She had had enough.

"Nova wants you to know he cant take care of me anymore...seems as if he's passed the torch." She said looking at her fathers sleeping form.

"Shoto is here...he is a good guy. Thanks for letting me go out on a date with him." Ellie started to cry.
"...if I had to choose...id rather be with you."

"Ellie." She heard a voice from the door. It was Aizawa. She stood and wipes her tears away. "How is he doing?"

"Hes stable. Doctor said hed be up and saving the world by next week."

"How are you?" He asked concerned.

"Im fine." She said in a weak voice.

"You don't sound fine."

Ellie shook her head and walked out, not wanting to cry in front of her teacher. Aizawa sighed and looked at All Might sleeping on the bed. He stretched his scarf and slapped him awake.

"Ah! Ugh!" He sat up startled and saw Aizawa. "What was that for."

"To knock some sense into you."

"Am I supposed to thank you now?"

"Do you know what Ellie did today?"

"Why? Is she okay?" He asked concerned.

"Shes fine, shes in the waiting room.
She saved your life."

"What are...?" All Might thought back to the wolf that had torn Kurogiri to shreds. "She made the wolf."

"That was her best friend."

"Nova? Oh my God." All Mights heart grew tight with anguish.

"That girl loves you to death. Id be more careful next time when its her that's in the crossfire."

"What do you want me to do, Shota? I cant just quit my job. People need me out there, they count on me."

"Im asking you to think long and hard about whats more important. Being a hero or being a father." Aizawa walked out, leaving All Might to his thoughts.

Hey all. I hope you're enjoying the story so far. I have a question and I need your help. What should Ellies Hero name be? I have a few options but im open to suggestions as well.

1. Star Gazer

2. Galaxy Girl?

3. Star Shine.

Let me know in the comments which one you like or if you have a better name than these feel free to leave it in comments. If i pick one of your names ill pick a story you've written and give it a nice review in my The Best Wattpad Stories Ive Read So Far review book. Ill tage you and everything to give you more recognition. 💓💓💓


My Hero Academia: All Mights Daughter, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now