chapter 7: Blaise...Zabini

Start from the beginning

Eve's pov:

"Weasleberry!" I yelled, embracing him in a massive hug and then plunging my lips into his cheek.

He blushed as he laughed and looked at me once I released him, "What was that for?"

"For Zabini," I grinned as he placed his hand over where I had kissed, rubbing it gently.

He smiled, confused...but went along with it.

"But that still doesn't explain how you got-" I pointed to his eye, "-that."

He put his hand up to his eyelid, "After I knocked out Zabini...he came back with with his left hook, and knocked out my eye...I tackled him to the floor and beat his head into the floor but man that little Slytherin is strong." He said, shoving a chocolate frog into his mouth. He had pulled it out of his pocket...gross.

I jumped up and dusted myself off, "Thank you for telling me, Weasleberry...I'm afraid I have business to attend to now."

Ron scrambled to his feet and followed after me as I entered the crowded dining hall.

People were walking everywhere, blocking my path...but as I entered they all seemed to separate and stare as a hush fell over the crowd.

Weasleberry followed me quickly, everyone taking notice of his huge black and blue eye.

I spotted Zabini's head amongst the crowd and walked over to a huge group of boys, pushing them all aside as I made my way to the tall creepo.

As I walked towards him, all eyes on me, Blaise's buddy tapped him on the shoulder, which made him look behind him.

He made a face as he turned around, but then saw me and changed it into a wide, toothy grin.

"Well...if it isn't smogger and blackie over here-" he chuckled, motioning his fingers towards Weasleberry.

I was surprised.

I stared at Zabini's black and purple face...and burst out laughing...I hadn't seen the damage that Ron had done to poor Zabini.

 "Jesus, got 'em good!!"

Zabini's face went white as his eyes darted towards Ron in fury, then returned his gaze back to me giving him a fist bump.

Weasleberry held in his laughter, fearing another fight with Blaise would happen.

The boys behind him began giggling like schoolgirls.

"Oh hush up! You're the one making looovvveeee in the bathroom with sweet lil' cute is that, Eve?"

I clenched my teeth together, "Wasn't it you who wanted my looveeeee yesterday, Blaise?" I asked, "Oh ya, but turns out you can't make love if you don't have a-"


 The boys began crying of laughter, reminiscing the scene of yesterday's Zabini accident.

"Two hours in the hospital wing because a little girl couldn't keep herself together...haha very funny!" he admitted.

Goyle cried out wheezing, "Zabini! You're the one who was wanting to make looovvveeee-"

He was shut up by Zabini's punch to the throat, sending him choking and falling to the ground. Blaise eyed him in disgust, "Zip it, Goyle!"

Crab pushed through some boys and leaned over his buddy, sending Blaise an evil glance.

"What's wrong, Crabby? Don't have Malfoy to protect you now?" Blaise laughed, turning back around to face me.

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