39. Hold On

781 31 0

Sophia Blossom-Grey

Today's the day, we're gonna bring Alex back. We'll put this nightmare to an end, once and for all. I've decided I want to get them arrested and legally lock them up in prison where they'll rot for the rest of their lives. My uncle will make sure they reap what they sowed.

I woke up extra early this morning. I took a short shower and got changed in a hurry. I put on a pair of jeans and a plain white shirt. I wore a blazer on top of that and tied my hair in half-up-half-down hairdo. I wore simple black flat boots and went downstairs to join Jen and Kev for breakfast.

"Are you guys sure, you're gonna do this by your own?" Jen asked. She is so beyond worried for us. She hasn't even touched her food yet. She's just playing with the oatmeal, stirring it in her bowl carelessly.

"We'll be fine, Jen." I kept a hand on hers. It stopped her from stirring her oatmeal and she met my eyes. I gave her hand a small squeeze and eyed her bowl, gesturing her to eat the contents of it. She took a small bite of it and quickly gulped it down.

"I'm just worried about you guys." She said and Kev kept a hand around her shoulder.

"The Stalins said that they have been cut off of their support so basically the two of them are alone. Plus, we have the back up of 12 highly trained mafia men with us. There's no risk here, it's a clear win." Jen nodded her head understandingly and continue eating her breakfast in silence as did Kev and I.

After about 15 more minutes, we were done with our breakfast. Josh and Violet came over to wish us luck. They're gonna wait with Jen until, we return. However long it takes.

We shortly sat in the car. We weren't taking a driver today. Kev was driving and he sat on his seat while I took mine, beside him on the passenger one. Kev entered the address in the GPS and we drove off.

I saw the trees passing by, people on the road, cars in front of us but the thoughts of what was gonna happen had clouded my mind so badly, I didn't even pay attention to my surroundings. My hands started to become sweaty and I tired rubbing them on jeans. I drew in deep breaths to welcome calmness in my mind but all my tries went in vail. My mind was filled with anxiety and I was overanalysing every possibility of how today was going to turn out. My mind became foggy with negative thoughts. I closed my eyes and listened to the faint music playing in the background as I tried to relax.





We pulled up at the small wooden cottage, shortly. It was in a very empty and eerily silent locality. There weren't many things around. All one can see are green plain lands filled with grass. Kev, parked the car far away so that no one notices us from inside the house.

I took off my seatbelt and stepped outside. The place smelled badly too. I don't know how Alex has been staying here since the last three days. A sleek black car parked next to us and the mafia men stepped out of it.

They were all dressed in black and considering the person behind all of this is a female, there were 3 women among them. These men would never lay a hand on a female, rival or not. They had guns tucked in their waistbands which they hid well with their t-shirts. They even carried some sharp small knives in their pockets, just in-case. They approached us and nodded their head in acknowledgment.

"In case you need to protect yourself," A woman who looked like the leader of the group said as she handed Kev and I, a sharp pocket knife each. We thanked her and hid the knife as she instructed us too.

Obviously, Kev and I have no idea how to fight people or how the things in their gang goes but both he and I can protect ourselves if we had to. Moreover, there is not even a single soul in there except for the woman and her helper, according to what instructions the Stalins gave us.

They gave us each a gun but we are to use it only durning a life-and-death situation. They showed us how to take the safety off and how to put it back on. These were already loaded with bullets so need not worry about it. They quickly taught us some self-defence moves too, such as punching and nudging. They also showed us some weak points of the body to hit, just in-case we need them. After about 10 minutes, we decided to finally go inside the cottage.

Hold on, Alex. Hold On.

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