23. Who Are You?

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Alexander Grey


The last time I was here was when I was 17. My parents were in a fatal accident but still were bought here. I remember the day as clear as glass. Little Kevin who was just 13 at the time, was in my arms crying his eyes out. He could hardly comprehend the things that were happening around us. The only relatives we had left were Uncle Daniel and Aunt Regina and both of them lived in another city. I got a call from the hospital asking me to rush there. I called Uncle Daniel on my way here and they were present within the next hour. After spending about 2 hours in the operation theatre, the doctors concluded both of them dead.

I though I wouldn't survive without them but one look at Kevin's face and I knew I had to be the big brother my mom always wanted me to. With the guidance of Uncle Daniel, I restarted my dad's company but it took me good couple of years to bring it back on track. I provided for Kevin's education and simultaneously did my schooling from home itself. I studied Business Management through online classes all the while continued running the company smoothly.

Today, after about 12 years I've stepped into a hospital. Again with one of my loved one in the operation theatre. All 5 of us are sitting in the waiting area. Soph's been taken in the OT about an hour ago. I earlier called Nate, my personal investigator to find out about anything related to the shooter or precisely why was Soph shot at. I was horrified when I saw an unconscious Soph in my arms.

Blood was oozing from the left side of her chest but she wasn't shot at in the chest as she had blood stains away from the region where the heart lies. We rushed to the nearest hospital and the doctors immediately took her into emergency.

A couple who looked in their later 50s walked towards the OT and tried talking to a nurse who just walked out of the room. "Hello Sir. I'm Violet Anderson. Sophia's friend. You must be her Uncle, Ben Brooks?" Violet said to the man standing there, dressed in simple black pants and a dark grey shirt. He had pebble green eyes and blackish grey hair.

"Oh yes, Violet Anderson, I remember you, my child." The man said in a sad tone. "This is my wife, Stacy Brooks. Stacy, this is Violet and if I'm not wrong she's Jennifer, both of them are friends with Sophia." The man said introduction her wife to Violet and Jennifer.

"Violet, darling, how is she now? How did this all happen? I was terrified when I got that call from you." Stacy Brooks, asked as she kept a hand on Violet's shoulder. Violet made her sit on the chair she was previous sitting on and kneeled in front of her.

"We were coming back from our trip and at a restaurant she was shot at but she isn't shot in the heart as Alex earlier inspected." Violet said and pointed towards me.

I stood up and extended my hand towards Mr. Brooks. "Hello Sir, I'm Alexander Grey, Sophia's..." Before I could finish, he himself completed the sentence for me. "... boyfriend. I know son, she talked a lot about you. She must love you a lot."

She does? I was stunned at his answer but didn't drag it along.

"I wish we wouldn't have met under such circumstances. I have my P.I. on work to find who did this. Rest assured, we will find the shooter." I said trying to comfort him. He nodded his head and sat next to his sobbing wife, who was listening to our conversation.

Just then, the doctors walked out of the OT taking off their face masks and their hand gloves. They were talking amongst themselves until they noticed us standing there. "You guys are the family of Sophia Blossom?" They asked and we all nodded.

"Well, she is out of danger thankfully but the bullet grazed her chest from the side. It went from between her left arm and the chest and it'll be a little difficult for her to move her left hand for a weak but she'll be fine. She'll be shifted to her room in a minute or so and after she gains her consciousness completely, you may meet her. Also, please go in a pair. Not more then 2 people. We don't want to stress her." The doctor said and we all thanked him for saving Soph. They nodded their head and left.

A doctor however pulled me to the side saying he wanted to talk. "Is there a problem, doctor?" I asked panicking a little from the inside.

"She's completely out of danger, Mr. Grey but I hope you do know the bullet was intended to hit her in the heart, from what it looked like. I fear there's someone who posses a threat to her life. I suggest you do something about her protection. I mean, she's a model who has gained great fame within a small amount of time. There must be several people out there who're jealous of or envy her." I nodded my head letting his words sink in. I thanked him and he excused himself giving me a brief smile.

I am an idiot to not think about this before. It could be one of my business rivals too. It could be anyone who isn't happy with Soph's success. I called Erica and asked her to book some bodyguards for Soph instantly. They'll always be there to protect her. I also asked someone to shift Soph's things to my house. After what just happened, there's no way in hell I'm letting her out of my sight. At least till all things go back to normal. I know, I'm gonna get an earful from her to do that without asking her but I don't care. As long as she's safe, she can butcher me for all I care.

Jennifer shortly called me to visit Soph as she has regained her consciousness. I nodded and walked towards her room growing impatient by the second. I just want to see her smile, her eyes but mostly, I want to hold her in arms. I want to assure myself, that she's alive. She's okay and in my arms.

I opened the door to her room and saw her lying there with a blue gown on her and tubes attached to her hands. She turned her head towards me and I gave her a smile. She furrowed her eyebrows and asked,

"Who are you?"

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