19. Magnificent

866 35 4

Sophia Blossom

"I still don't understand as to why we three girls are in one car and the boys are in another? We could've used one of Alex's big cars like the BMW x7, maybe. It can easily fit us all plus we could've saved some gas." Jennifer said.

We are all currently on our way to Alex and Kev's cabin in the countryside for a small getaway. Today's Monday and it's thanksgiving on Wednesday which means we all have this week off from our respective jobs. The cabin is obviously situated on the outskirts of L.A and we decide on having a little road trip too. Yesterday night, Violet demand us girls going in one car and the boys in another. We all tried convincing her to drop the idea but then it was either we took two different cars or she doesn't come at all. Violet didn't give us the reason but seeing even Josh wanted that, we all assumed they had a fight or something. Jen is still hell bent on knowing the reason from Violet herself and thus hasn't stopped pestering her since we sat in the car. I was driving, more like following Kev's car, as I don't know the directions and have decided not to interfere much between them so I am currently quietly listing to these two bickering.

"Jen, if you haven't noticed it until now, I have some problems of my own with your brother so excuse me for saving fuel was the last thing on my mind yesterday night." Violet said in a outburst which is very unlike her. Violet might be sarcastic and all but she isn't a vinegar tempered woman. I turned towards her as she had called shotgun and Jen was more than happy to have the whole of the back seat to herself.

"Hey, Hey, V, she didn't mean it like that. Please calm down. If you don't want to tell us, we understand. Take your time, we're always here if you happen to want to talk." I said and kept a hand on her shoulder briefly before concentrating back on the road.

"I'm sorry, V. I don't mean to be nosy. I promise I won't interrogator you anymore. You can tell us when you're ready." Jen said and the car lapsed into a much needed silence. We had the windows rolled down and the stereo was off as we all wished to enjoy the beautiful chill weather outside.

Violet's phone rang shortly and Kev's name flashed on the screen. She picked up the call and put it on speaker. "Hey Lilac, how you doin' ?" We all heard Kev's failed attempt at pulling off a Joey Tribbiani and his nickname for Violet. Kev, being his playful self, calls Violet by different shades of purple due to the irony of her name. It's really adorable in my opinion but pisses Violet off. "Hey, I still don't know how are you so ugly even after sharing a name with the most handsome Jonas Brother out of the four?" Violet clapped back with her usual Jo Bro reference. She does refer to Hart or Spacey or Bacon from time to time but Kevin Jonas is her favourite.

"Whatever, lavender. We were thinking of having some cheeseburgers for a late lunch. You girls down?" Jen immediately screamed in approval as soon as she heard the word 'cheeseburgers'. Violet raised her eyebrows at me and I nodded and thus we made a stop after about 10 minutes.

It was a small Harry Porter themed café kinda place but actually it's famous for it's cheeseburgers. I, being fully involved into modelling stuff, don't get many cheat days from my dietician and thus have decide that I'm not gonna hold back on this trip. We all sat on our table as Josh and Kev went to order some food for us. Alex pulled my chair for me first and once I took my seat, he sat on the chair to my left as he kissed my forehead and I gave him a smile. He pulled my chair nearer to his and kept a hand around it. Violet sat to my right and Jen sat across her. Kev and Josh soon returned with our delicious cheeseburgers and we all started eating. No doubt the café was famous for these. They were one of the best cheeseburgers I've ever had in my entire life. The right amount of cheese, mayonnaise and sauce. Just perfect.

After some time, Jen, I and Josh were done with our lunch but the other three were still eating so we started having a conversation amongst us. Jen, being a creature of habit, opened Google and started surfing. After a minute of silence at the table, she said, "Did you guys know, tears can kill up to 95 % of all bacterias in just 5 to 10 minutes." On which, Josh being an aspiring doctor, nodded his head furiously. The second Jen completed her sentence, I knew saying something related to Josh would infuriate Violet and it most certainly did.

Violet shook her head sideways and immediately replied, "Thanks for the information Jen. I'll make sure to have a shower in them starting tomorrow." A laugh escaped from Alex, Kev and mine lips, earning us all a glare from Violet. None of us exchanged any words after that and we waited for them to finish the lunch in complete silence. Soon we paid the bill and exited the café.

This time, it was me, Alex and Violet in one car and Jen, Kev and Josh in another. It was for the best seeing Jen and Violet had an uneasy vibe between them currently and the last thing I wanted on the trip was a fight between my best friends. Alex was driving as I wanted to relax a bit and I called the shotgun. I was staring out of the window and enjoying my view while Violet was listing to some music through her headphones in the backseat. After a while, I turned towards Alex and observed him being all concentrated in driving. He felt my eye on him and took my hand in his. He left a small peck on my knuckles and butterflies settled in the pit of my stomach. It's been three months since we started dating and it all still seems like a dream. I didn't even realise when these months passed. It felt like it was just yesterday I was on my first date with him in France and today here we are, with our bond so incredibly strong. If this all is indeed a dream, I don't wanna ever wake up. I was deep into my thoughts and the next thing I knew was sleep taking over.

After what felt like ages, I felt someone shake my shoulder and my eyes slowly flew open. I looked at Violet's shiny blue eyes and she said, "Come on Soph, we've arrived." I nodded as I stepped out from the car. As soon as I was out, my eye landed on the mansion.


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