38. Long

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Alexander Grey

It's my third day being held in captivity.

I discovered that Summer wasn't alone in the planning. The partner or 'partner-in-crime' who she's been talking about is none other than André Armel, as I guessed the day I got kidnapped. I should've guessed it. I haven't seen him in so many years and once day, he suddenly happens to walk back in my life with a perfect business and clear heart. Impossible. Revenge is a dish, best served cold and his one happens to be eighth years old. It's freezing cold.

They haven't kept me like a typical prisoner you see in a movie. I've got my own room in this small cottage, which by the looks of it, is situated outside of LA. They don't let me out of my room much. They bring me food here, provide me with some books to keep me busy and haven't laid a hand on me.

The part which I'm very worried about is that I don't know what they want. I don't know what will be the price of my freedom. I'm absolutely sure they'll demand money or some property or shares in my business but I'm most worried about Sophia. Many properties of mine have been transferred under her name shortly after we got married. If they happen to demand certain shares of business ventures, I'll be needing Soph's signature and God knows, I don't want them going anywhere near her.

They can torture me, cut me, bleed me, kill me but I swear on living demons inside of me, I'll bring the forces of hell upon them if the even lay a finger on her again.

Sophia Blossom-Grey

"Soph, you need to head back to L.A., right now." Uncle said as he practically barged in the kitchen where Aunt and I were making some breakfast eggs. He looked very tensed and was holding his phone in his hand.

"What happened, Uncle? Why are you so tensed?" I asked as I wiped my dirty hands on the kitchen cloth.

"Kevin Grey just called. Alexander has been kidnapped. You-" He started but I interrupted him on hearing his second sentence.

"What?" I asked as my eyes widened. Alex has been kidnapped? How? I mean, he always has guards with him. Both our home and office is heavily protected ever since I got shot at. The office is literally 10 minutes away from home and he is always surrounded by people. I leave for two weeks and he manages to get himself kidnapped?

"Yes, you need to rush back, right now. I've booked your flight ticket. It leaves in 5 hours. Pack your things, I'll drop you off at the airport." He said and I rushed upstairs to pack my things.

Oh God, please keep Alex safe.

I was reciting this line in mind like a Mantra all the while I packed my things. I quickly changed into a casual outfit and jogged downstairs. I took the long ass flight back to L.A. and headed straight to Kev and Jen's house.

I pressed the doorbell restlessly. Shortly, a butler opened the door and recognising me, he immediately let me in. Kevin and Jennifer were seated on the couches in the living room. As they took notice of my presence, they turned towards me and their eyes widened. I looked at them after what felt like months. They had bags under their eyes and their eyes were slightly red too maybe due to lack of sleep, and Jen's hair especially looked like a bird's nest.

"Oh, Soph!" Jen exclaimed and tightly hugged me. My eyes started to water. How I missed her. And Violet and Josh and Kevin. We used to see each other everyday without fail. We are like a big family and living without them for two weeks made me realise how much I love them all.

"Kev." I said and gave him a hug. "Hey, sister-in-law." He said and embraced me back.

"Do you guys know who's behind this? Where he is? Anything?" I asked as we sat on the couch. Kev handed me a letter which was from Evan and Katherine Stalin, their old friend. It was addressed to me.

It said, they have solved our problem to some extent. The gang which was earlier supporting the crazy woman, they found them and made them withdraw their support. The gang's leader doesn't know the person's real name but they luckily have their address. They also mention that she's not alone. There's a man with him. They offered to rescue Alex themselves but want to ask weather I'd want to do it along with Kev. If I choose the latter, they've already prepared a team of 12 men of theirs to accompany us. They left the final word to me.

"What do you think?" Kev asked as I kept the letter back on the coffee table.

"That you guys don't care about us." Came my dear Violet Parker's voice from the door of the living room. She stood there with her husband, Josh, and was glaring at Kev and Jen very angrily.

"Why didn't you inform us about Soph's arrival?" She said and walked straight to me, giving me her famous bear hug. "I missed you so much, Soph." Violet said as her eyes teared up.

"Don't cry now." Josh said and Violet angrily smacked his shoulder. "Shut up. I'm still not talking to you." She said to him and turned towards me.

"He ate my chocolate, can you believe it?" She said and I fake glared at Josh. "Very bad, Josh-y." I teased and gave him a hug too.

"I said, I'd buy her a dozen more but she doesn't listen." Josh said and took a seat on the couch. Next, Violet and I took our seats and the servant shortly served us some coffee.

"For the time being you're staying here, right?" Jen asked and I nodded my head. "If it's okay with you guys." I said and Kev rolled his eyes. "Anytime."

"So, Soph, what're you gonna choose? Want Evan to bring Alex back or you're gonna kick some ass yourself?" Josh asked and I smiled.

"I'm gonna get my husband back first thing tomorrow morning."

I promise Alex, I'll be in your arms by tomorrow night. It's been awfully long since I last saw your smile.

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