11. Again

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Sophia Blossom

We had our dinner at Charles' restaurant. I ordered a plate of boeuf bourguignon which consisted of beef stew and Alex ordered coq au vin which basically is chicken cooked in red wine. According to Charles, if you visit France and not have these, it's a waste. He was absolutely correct because both the dishes tasted amazing. For the dessert, I had biscuit Rose de reims which were some pink cookies and Alex had l'escargot chocolate-pistachio which translates to chocolate-pistachio pastries. We had a glass of champagne all the while, making a small conversation and enjoying our food.

We thanked Charles for the oh-so-amazing food and then took our seats in Alex's car once again. It was about 1 when we exited Charles' restaurant. I was beyond curious as to where Alex will take me next, given it's past midnight.

It was a beautiful night to say the least. The stars were twinkling in the night while the moon shone with all it's glory, casting it's mesmerising light on the world. The whole city was so quiet considering almost everyone were asleep right now. I turned my head towards Alex and watched as he had all his concentration on the road ahead of us. His hands gripped the stearin' wheel and his eyes were a little squinted. Seeing him a small smile appeared on my face. The moonlight did nothing but accentuate his beauty. The sharp jaw line which was graced with light stubble. His luscious black hair were perfectly set back and were shining even more in the moonlight. I starred at him for felt like an eternity but wasn't even near to the brim of my container of satisfaction. It was as if the more I watched, the more he grew handsome.

"Click a picture, Sweetheart. It lasts longer." Alex said obvious to the fact, I was full on checking him out. I chuckled and replied saying, "I will, later on." I am not the one to flirt but this man can so easily bring out this shameless and unfiltered side of me. I can easily let my guard down in front of him and I know he does it too. The trust, which for me is the most important thing and by extent the base of any relationship is something we have successfully developed with each and nothing in this world comforts me more.

We pulled in front of a park which was obviously empty. As I exited the car, he took my hand in his and lead me towards a swing. He sat me on it and started swinging me lightly. I laughed watching how he treats me like a kid, cares about me like I'm a small child but respects me like a woman. He is absolutely everything I've ever asked for in a guy. After a while he sat next to me on a swing.

"So, Sweetheart, is this your first date?" He causally asked and I nodded my head shyly. "No way!" He exclaimed. "I mean, look at you. I can't believe you haven't been asked out yet."

"True story, there was this boy I liked in middle school and one day decided to ask him out. I thought I should use a pickup line and I said the worst of the lot, 'are you a garbage bag? Because I wanna take you out.' And he though I was indirectly calling him ugly. I was so embarrassed I wasn't open to the idea of dating until 18. And then, I simply didn't like any of the boys from my college. So here I am, on my very first date." I finished.

Alex took my hand in his and kissed my knuckles saying, "I'm honoured." I smiled at this and he said, "I bet you still aren't good with pickup lines, though." He let out a little laugh at the end of the sentence.

"Wanna have a pickup lines' battle, Grey?" I asked and immediately Alex replied, "You're on, Blossom." He asked me to go first and so I started.

"Are you google? 'Cause you've got everything I'm looking for." (Soph)

"If you were a burger at McDonald's, you'd be McGorgeous." (Alex)

"Your hand looks heavy, let me hold it for you." (Soph)

"Do you have a sunburn or are you always this hot?" (Alex)

"Do you have a name or can I call you mine?" (Soph)

"You most definitely can, baby." Alex said instead of replying me with another line. I blushed at what he just addressed me as and he placed a small kiss on my cheek. "You're so cute when you blush." I smiled at him lightly slapping his shoulder.

We talked for a little while at the park sharing memories from our childhood, to our view on things like relations, Kevin-Jennifer, us and just everything and nothing. It was so comfortable just sitting there talking to him. The words come naturally and I didn't care about what I was ranting about because I know Alex wouldn't judge me. It was THE best feeling in the world.

After a while, Alex took me to the Eiffel Tower. I was fascinating to watch it without the crowd and under the moonlight, combined.

"Alex, this is beautiful." I said and turned towards him to see him holding a small delicate bracelet in his hands. My eyes widened seeing it because it was beautiful, to be honest.

"I have been meaning to ask you this for a long while and God knows I'm not a romantic person so I will make this short

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"I have been meaning to ask you this for a long while and God knows I'm not a romantic person so I will make this short. Since the day you've walked in my life, I've felt nothing but happiness coursing through my veins each day that passes and I want that feeling everyday, I want to hold you in my arms and tell you how important you are to me every day, I want to breath your smell everyday, I wanna feel your hands in mine every day and most importantly I want all my loyalties to lie with you. And for all of these to come true, will you please accept this bracelet as a symbol of my affection towards you and be my girlfriend, Sophia Blossom?"

Tears welled up in my eyes as Alex finished his sentence. "Yes. Of course, yes. A hundred percent yes." I said and Alex clipped the bracelet on my wrist. He kissed my hand once he was done and I jumped straight into his arms. I pulled away, shortly and starred in his eyes.

"May I kiss you, Sweetheart?" He gently asked and I without a word, crashed my lips to his. The fact that even after saying 'yes' to being his girlfriend, he's asking me before kissing me, makes my heart swell. This was my first kiss and I didn't know what to do but I had nothing to worry because Alex easily took the lead.

He kissed me with the same affection that I started it with. He pulled me even closer if that's possible and deepened the kiss. He had his one hand around my neck and another around my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled in the kiss. His tongue skilfully entered my mouth and roamed every corner of it. Endless moans escaped my mouth and they turned him further on. After what felt like eons, because of our breathlessness, I pulled away. I touched our foreheads and both of us smiled a big time.

"I've been wanting to do that for a long while, too." He said and I chuckled kissing him again.

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