"I'm not trying to listen to this," he said, rolling his eyes.

For twenty minutes we fought over the radio being on or off.


When we got to the warehouse, everything was quite. We found the room the victims were being held in, most of them were hanging on a thin thread and most were already gone.

"I'll get them out of here, go find the djinn," I whispered to Sam, stashing my knife in my belt.

He nodded and walked into a different room. I cut down some of them before hearing a metal clank in the distance. I grabbed my blade and looked around, I was on high alert as I walked around the room carefully. 

I saw someone run across the room and walked in that direction. I heard a body thud and sighed, that either meant Sam got it or it got Sam.

I ran to the location of the noise and sighed when I saw Sam standing over the djinn. I smiled and pat his back, he wiped sweat from his forehead and walked into the room of the fateful victims.

"How many survivors?" Sam asked, cutting down the rest of them.

"Only two, the rest didn't make it," I said, looking around.


After we burned the bodies and left the survivors at the hospital, we were heading back to Kansas.

"Dude, slow down, Kansas isn't going anywhere." Sam said, looking at me with furrowed brows.

"I wanna go home," I mumbled, picking up speed.

"I do too, but I also don't want you to crash the car." He said, holding onto his lap top. "I know you miss Cas, Dean, I'm sure he misses you too. We'll get there in like three hours, so slow down."

I mumbled something under my breath and reluctantly slowed down. "Can we stop for pizza?" I asked, taking a turn.

"You're the one driving," he said, leaning his head back.

I rolled my eyes and turned on the radio so he couldn't sleep.


After roughly three hours we were back in Kansas. I had called dominoes twenty minutes before we entered the state so I just had to pick it up. I was so excited to get back to Cas that I practically skipped to pick up the pizza.

Sam wasn't awake to yell at me for speeding, so I drove the last thirty minutes in fifteen minutes. Once we got to the bunker I pulled into the garage and slapped Sam, he woke up and glared at me before getting out.

I grabbed the pizza and followed Sam into the bunker. Cas was in the library, hunched over something on the table making cooing noises.

"Whatcha doin Cas?" I asked, walking up to him.

"Charlie has me watch her baby," he said, moving out the way to show Knox.

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