Dont freak out

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POV: Amity

Luz was freaking out, and it made her look so adorable. We were waiting on Eda and Lilith. Alexander and Naomi were here... Well Naomi was somewhere. She exists in a whole different timeframe than us.

Luz paced back and forth and I finally took her shoulders and looked her in the eyes. "Luz hunny it'll be okay." I said. "Your dad and Sister are coming they will help. Well Naomi. Maybe not Alexander." I added.

"Oh my God I lost Naomi." She looked around frantically.

"Relax estrella," Uncle Alexander said, "That child exists in a different Time Frame than us."

"Is that possible? I mean I suppose it is magic and everything but how would that work and if it does then could she time travel and if she can she could~" Luz spoke so fast I smashed my lips to hers to calm her down. She happily kissed me back.

It's been two weeks since the bite so our bond is complete. I still don't wanna be a bad girl though.

"Yes it's part of her magic and no she can't travel through time." Alexander said. "Imagine time flowing. It has a set framed speed. However thanks to my Vampiric magic I altered the way time flies around me. I can control it's framed speed to mimic immortality." So that's how it works. "Naomis Time Frame is a little different. While her physical frame ages her slow till she's at an age she wants to stay, she can increase the speed around her while still aging slowly. So she moves at 100 times the speed of light." He says shrugging, "She'll appear soon. She always does."

And as if on cue Naomi literally appeared next to him making Luz jump as she giggled. She sighed. "Never grow up child." She said smiling.

"Don't plan on it." She grinned.

Eda and Lilith came into view and landed near us.

"We all ready?" Eda asked. All of us nodding.

The door opened and we went through. Luz placed something on my head covering my ears. "So you look human... Till we tell my mom." She said.

Eda and Lilith made a magic circle making there ears look like Luz's. Alec's ears were human. As his magic is Vampiric Origin meaning demonic. He had is own source of magic as did Naomi. We walked for about 10 minutes till we saw her house. A women wearing Blue clothes was facing away from us looking through letters of some kind.

Alexander stepped forward. He'd insteaded to be the one to greet her as he said he had hell to pay.

"Hola, Mi Luna." He had admitted that he never lost his feelings for her. He does love Aleia to death but, he still loved luzs mom. Just not the same.

Luzs mom froze when she heard him speak. Slowly she turned to face the King of Night. He smiled warmly at her. Till she wiped the smile off his face with a fist.

"I deserve that." She kneed his guy, "And that." He groaned. She went for the balls but he caught her foot "Definitely not that." He said "I don't get what's with you and your daughter but both of you went for my balls."

That's when Ms Noceda noticed us. She looked at Eda and Lilith, then Luz, then me. She hugged Luz. "Oh Mija" she said. She looked at mine and Luz's hand as she had naturally grabbed mine. She smiled then noticed my ring and her eyes widened. "Mija want to explain."

Before she could a small scream echoed behind us and we turned. A carriage of some kind, what Luz call them? Cars? Was heading right at Naomi. Before  we could Bink time slowed. And not like when you feel it slowing down do to panic no Naomis magic slowed time. She sighed in relief and got out of the road before returning time to it normal speed the car screeched to a stop.

The guy looked confused but shrugged it off and went on. "H-how is that?" Luz's mom said.

"I have a lot to tell you Mamí" Luz said.

**Skip recap**

"So" Luz's mom said pcing her living room. Me Luz and Eda sat on the couch. Alexander and Lilith stood behind. "To some up. The past two months you've been in another realm staying with a wanted criminal. Attending a magic School. Fell in love and we're bitten by a vampire. Beat a thing called grom. Played a weird game. Had the Vampiric magic that makes one submit reverse onto her instead of you. Gain her parents Approval. Meet your father who turns out to be the king of all Vampires. Turn yourself into a vampire. Accidently destroy the cure you had. Be claimed as princess of Vampires and propose to your girlfriend who you'd been dating 2 days."

We nodded. "Please someone tell me your joking luzs mom said. Naomi was sitting in the chair licking at her iced cream. According to Ms Noceda it made children sit still for a few minutes. She was right.

"Mi Luna." Uncle Alexander said.

"No me hagas la luna Mi sol brillante." She said, "Im still mad at you. You went got married and had another kid. Who granted is adorable. But your still in trouble."

He looked down. "Mi Luna Listen. When I left it broke my heart. But my being her put Luz and you in more danger than my leaving." She sighed

Alexander left as the vampires in this world were hunting him. And he wouldn't put his family at risk.

"I know sol brillante but I'm still mad." She sighed, "I can accept this other world. Magic vampires and all that. What bothers me isn't that." We looked at her. "What bothers me is you two are way to Young to get married."

Alexander raised an eyebrow "Yets be honest mi Luna. I'm over 50000 years old. My wife is 23. Vampires age a mature differently. So it isn't uncommon for this at their age."

Ms. Noceda put her hands up in defeat. "Alright alright." She said. "But sol brillante if one thing. One! Thing! Happens to Luz. Your immortality will mean nothing when I chop you into tiny pieces." He swollowed nodded.

With that we said our goodbyes me and Luz promisjng to visit. We sighed and headed home. That was far easier than I thought.

POV CHANGE: unknown

"I see him" A subject told me.

"Good." I said. "Its almost time..."


1094 holy crap whatcha guys think? And who is this unknown man. Find out whenever I feel like writting the next chapter (probably tomorrow lol)

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