How is that...?

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POV: Luz

Amity held herself close to me as we walked down towards her place. People turned out direction and stared but I didn't care. I wanted people to stare. Amity was mine. And no one else could have her. I am a little worried though. I mean this is the exact opposite of what was supposed to happen. Guess we'll see what her parents think.

We walked up to her door. "N-now Luz please let me s-start s-so my parents d-dont freak." Amity said.

I patted her head and she nuzzled my hand. "Of course my love." I said.

She took a deep breath and opened the door. "Your five minutes late." I heard a man in the other room say. "Try to be five minutes early next time."

"Sorry b-but dad w-we have an i-issue" Amity replied to him as we walked into the living room.

Her parents and siblings looked up at me. Ed and Ems eyes lighting up as the jumped up and pounced me.

"Hey cutie." Em said.

"How ya been Luz." Ed said.

Their father went to speak but Amity let out a small growl causing her siblings and parents to look at her. She held pure anger at her siblings.

"Get off of her." She said in a low dark tone I didn't like.

"Amity..." Her mother said

"Enough Mittens." I told her in a commanding voice causing to stumble slightly. "Bad." I added the last part and she looked down.

"N-no I didn't. I'm sorry." She said.

Her siblings and parents both looked at me with shock. It was then Em noticed Amitys bit mark on my neck. "Oh I see what she meant by 'We have a problem.'" Em said.

Her father looked at the bite mark and then me then Amity. "Care to explain?" He asked her.

Amity looked at me and I nodded for her to go on. "Luz asked me to bite her, knowing the consequences, and when I did I-I don't know. It's like there was a-a reverse effect." She said.

Her mother laughed. "Oh dear that's impossible." She said, "If that were the case she'd have to be a creature of more power of Royalty."

Mr. Blight thought. "It could be that in the moment you bit and kissed her that you felt less Dominant towards her. It's rare but it has happened." Her father spoke.

Amity seemed to lose some tension knowing that. I walked over and whispered to her so only she could here. "You were a bad girl." I said and she reddened.

"S-sorry." She said.

I reached my hand up and rubbed her head. She nuzzled my hand and smiled. "I heard the bite was powerful but I had no clue it would do this." I said.

"Yes it seems that Amity truly is as we would say, yours." He mother said.

"We'll need more info." Her father said, "But for now you need to call your mentor and tell her you'll be staying here tonight. You'll switch were you stay each night but," he paused a moment, "The next 2 weeks are critical. You cannot be far apart. School is the furthest you can be. If Your to far from Amity she'll go into major emotions. Thinking you left, destroying the town to find you. So on."

I nodded. "Thats fine. I like Spending time with Ami~." I smiled. I wrapped my arm around her and she nuzzled into my neck.

"It's not just that dear. It's that Amity needs to be near you." Her mom said. "Until your bond is complete which takes about 2 weeks"

I nodded. "Alright." I said Amity Yawned leaning against me. I smiled at how cute she was. "Come on Princess. Let's go to bed." She nodded and I picked her up bridal Style and took her to her room.

I set her on the bed and texted Eda

'Staying At Amitys. Gotta bit of a problem.'

'Did she bite you!?'

'Yes but it had a reverse effect than what you think it did.'

'Wait you mean your in control of her. Oh that's priceless. Wait till Lilith hears. Alright I'll see you both tomorrow.'

I set my phone on her desk and laid next to Amity wrapping my arms around her. She nuzzled and kissed my neck. I giggled and patted her head "Good girl." I said.

Content with that she cuddled against me and after a moment her breathing slowed as she slept. I smiled and wrapped myself around her protectively before falling into slumber myself.

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