Love and Trust

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She was gonna tell Anna, there was no doubt about that. Kristoff freaked. There was no way he was going to confront the red head.

He skittered in the dirt, running behind a nearby boulder. He peeked his snout out the side, and soon his whole head.

Sven looked at him. He looked like a little cub hiding from it's angry mother. That might as we'll be true, except, replacing angry mother with heartbroken girlfriend. Not much difference there at all.

"Kristoff," Sven began. Sven had never been really able to talk to Kristoff. Now, they could speak directly, and bond in a way they never could before. "You need to be more forgiving of Anna. She was just worried about you."

"But, why. She knows my capabilities, if it weren't for the spirits, I'd be in there, with Amethyst and Granite." Kristoff trailed off longingly, and Sven's eyes flared with anger, like glinting coins.

"Remember when Anna blocked a gunshot for you?! You remember that?! Think of the love and the trust she had to have for you, and you're just throwing that away." Sven's voice faltered. His eyes turned downcast and he spoke slowly. "I... I was so happy for you. You used to be like a lost piece of a puzzle, just floating, not knowing where you were or where you were going. Even with Amethyst you were so... lost." Sven waited a long time before continuing simply, "and I was lost with you. But with Anna, you lit up like a star on a summer night."

Kristoff emerged from behind the boulder, tears in his eyes. They began to roll down his snout, glistening in the pale sunlight.

"I never knew Sven. I never knew you felt this way." Footsteps suddenly began to resonate in both of the animals ears. Kristoff pricked them sharply, listening carefully. Sven peered out of the underbrush with attentive eyes, catching every detail like a hawk watching its prey.

Straight for them, came Elsa, Grand Pabbie, and... a chill of nervousness ran up Kristoff's spine...



As they approached, Kristoff could start to see Anna's eyes. They were red.

She had been crying! he thought, then, after a moment, he thought again, for me? She must not know I'm ok, then a terrible thought occurred to him, she must think I'm dead! Kristoff looked out from the trees again, suddenly desperate to comfort her. He turned over what Sven had said. The love and the trust. His heart quickened with a hope that Anna still felt this for him.

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