Singin' in the Shower

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Anna yawned, stretching fully. She scratched her head underneath her mane of strawberry blonde hair. She blew air that puffed out her cheeks, the she let it escape in a long, tired exhalation. She flipped off her sheets, exposing herself to the cold elements. She shivered, pulling her blanket back up to her chin.

Kristoff was on the other side of the room, sprawled on a couch. His head looked like it might fall off from the odd angle that it was set. Drool was puddling on the armrest, right by his head. His blonde hair was in a tangled mess, and he was snoring immensely. Sven was at the foot of the couch, sleeping surprisingly soundly.

Anna lowered her blanket and threw a pillow across the room straight for Kristoff. It landing squarely on his stomach, knocking the wind out of him. He sat up quickly, his fingers tight together and thumbs touching his palms in front of him in a groggy act of self defense. Sven woke up as well, but he rose at a normal speed, seeming completely alert.

Elsa was already up, sitting comfortably on a maroon chair by the window. She wore a blue blouse with a loose, open, and grey over shirt. She also wore black jeans ending in white socks. She had obviously woke up at 6:30, like she did every morning.

Anna had always been baffled by that. If she woke up that early, she'd be practically dead the whole day. She swung her legs over the beside and onto the floor, wriggling her toes on the cold, green carpet. She sat there for a couple minuetes, attempting to adjust to the morning. Across the room, she heard the shower in the bathroom spur to a start. She rose slowly, taking a second to find her balance. She found it, and slumped into it. A hair was stuck in her mouth, but she didn't bother removing it.

She walked like a dead zombie, groaning across a graveyard, to the bathroom. It was closed, but she didn't notice, so she bumped into the white wood with a thud. She rubbed her head, moaning. "Anna? That you?" She heard Kristoff's voice from the bathroom.

"Yeah," Anna replied, dragging her hand that had been on her forehead down the rest of her face.

"Hold on," Anna heard a few thuds and a grunt, "ok, you can come in." Anna pushed open the door. Kristoff was inside, shirtless in all his bare-chested and muscled glory. He was shaving, which tended to make him even more attractive, if that was even possible. His hair was also a wet mess, for he had just taken a shower.

Anna didn't care at the moment, she just grabbed her tooth brush and scrubbed. Kristoff didn't care either, he never really tried to "hit" on Anna, so he thought they were just doing daily bathroom duties together. He didn't even think himself attractive, he didn't know his large muscles were appealing to women, he thought they were kind of grotesque and just a side effect of to much work.

Anna finished brushing her teeth and shooed Kristoff out so she could take a shower. Kristoff went over to his bag and pulled out a shirt. It might have been the one he wore yesterday, but he didn't care. He sat on a bed as the shower began again, and Kristoff could hear Anna's voice resonate through the sprinkle of water.

The voice sounded beautiful. It bloomed like a vibrant flower, the waves traveling slowly and gracefully to anyone that would listen. Kristoff would definitely listen, and he began to laggardly tune out the world around him, leaning on a fist and blinking slowly, letting Anna's wonderful voice waft around him.

"Kristoff..." somebody quietly called his name, but he didn't notice. Anna's voice distracted him completely.

"Kristoff..." the voice came again, louder this time, he still cast it aside, not listening.

"Kristoff!" A rigid hand took hold of him, finally knocking him back into reality. It was Elsa who had been calling for him. Kristoff twisted his head to her, and as he did, she removed her hand from his shoulder.

"Mmm?" Kristoff asked aimlessly, still adjusting.

"Kristoff, I was wondering if you had plans for what we were going to do today."

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