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The voice came again, this time even quieter than the first.

"Grand Pabbie..." How could anyone's voice be so quiet, yet audible to anyone near.

Then he saw a hand reach out of the darkness, an arm, a shoulder, a face. Grand Pabbie immediately recognized the young man.

"Granite!" He left the fire and Amethyst and skidded to him. Grand Pabbie was weak, and it took every shred of his strength to heave Granite up in his arms and carry him to the fire. He set him next to Amethyst, who's breathing had steadied and she was starting to stir. Grand Pabbie took a small blanket from his knapp sack and wrapped it around Granite.

"Cliff," Granite sputtered. Grand Pabbie shushed him, and put a canteen to his lips, but Granite pushed it away. "Cliff," he said again, this time with more urgency, pointing weakly into the shadows. His voice was scratchy, for it was the first time he had ever spoke.

Grand Pabbie gave in, and heaved himself up. He trudged in the direction Granite had pointed out, soon finding the old man.

"Cliff?" Grand Pabbie shook his shoulders. Nothing. He put his ear to his chest, nothing.

The old man was dead.


So, I'm gonna stop there, whoo, *fans myself* that was a pain in the butt, just gotta say. It was fun but hard. I'm leaving this here, so unsure like this so I can leave room for more, a trilogy mayhaps? To that I say HA, because probably not. So whatcha think, do you feel bad for Cliff? How do you think Bulda will react? Will Grand Pabbie, Amethyst, and Granite be ok? What will happen now that Granite can talk, and how did he talk? What about Kristoff and Anna? What are they going to do?


Thanks for reading anyway, and make sure to check out Only With You, my fan fiction pairing you with Kristoff, which is sure to be good, with an odd twist you won't expect.

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