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This bear must have had rabies. It was dancing feverishly around, like it was playing a desperate game of charades.

It hadn't attacked them, which was the best part, but animals with rabies tend to be unpredictable. Elsa took a step back from the animal, and was about to make a run for it, when she noticed Sven trotting up to it.

"Sven, get back here," she seethed through clenched teeth, but the wolf didn't stop. Elsa was panicking, what would she tell Kristoff? He would be so heartbroken that his closest friend in the world had been mauled by a gigantic, wild, black bear. 

She was about to thrust herself foreward and yank Sven back, but something stopped her. They were, hugging.

A bear and a wolf... hugging. Sven was seated in the bears lap, like a child on Santa's knee. Svens head was up on the bears wide shoulder, with the bear's furry arms enveloping the wolf. 

Elsa had never seen anything like this before.

Maybe Sven had rabies to... though she doubted that.

The beasts parted, and started snorting and huffing like they were talking in some kind of secret animal language.

They looked to Elsa many times, like they expected her to understand. Elsa was just about to scream. Sven walked to her, and prodded her leg with his shiny black nose. She flinced back, frightened and confused. 

There was something in Svens eyes, a glitter of inocence and understanding, that made Elsa trust him. So she did... sort of.

Elsa reluctantly trudged beside Sven to the bear. The bear had the same glitter in it's eyes. It's eyes were amber brown, like the color of honey. It was a glorious contrast to the black and grey fur surrounding. 

She knew those eyes. She knew... yet she couldn't quite-



Modern Kristanna 2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ