No Going Back

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Kristoff had been hiking for almost an hour when the way started to get more trecherous. Switchbacks that didn't really help much, strenuous cliffs he had to climb up. He had been up this mountain hundreds of times, it wasn't to hard to navigate or climb.

He was on a particularly long climb, and the overhang was just above him. He could almost reach it, his fingers outstretched, silhouetted by the noonday sun, when a hard wind hit him like a brick wall. His fingers, that were twisted tightly around the rope, were ripped violently from it. Pain surged through his body. He grimaced, using his other hand to hold tight to the rope. The wind continued to howl, and it blew his shaggy hair into his face.

With one hand gripping the rope, the other hanging by his side, he lugged himself higher. 

He had almost run out of footholes when he finally reached the overhang. With one hand, he gripped the stone edge. Sharp rocks pierced his skin as he heaved himself higher. Elbow, other elbow, upper body, he slowly dragged himself up. He finally lay there, his chest stuttering up and down as he took in ragged gasps of thin and burningly cold air.  

Despite his fatigue and pain, he got up, pushing himself up on the heels of his hands. He inspected himself when he had finally sat up. He found three broken fingers and a broken ankle. That was better than he thought it was. He'd been through broken arms, legs, cracked skulls, he could get through this.

Besides, there was no going back now.

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