15- "ℍ𝕖𝕣𝕖'𝕤 𝕒 𝕨𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘: 𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕜 𝕒𝕘𝕒𝕚𝕟."

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November 4, 2020

No matter what they told you, jail is not fun

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No matter what they told you, jail is not fun. It is not the place to be, it's literally boring as fuck. Nobody to talk to, nothing to do. You have to make sure not to get into any trouble with the other inmates, their charges range from petty theft to arson and cannibalism. You barely make friends in jail, Stokeley and I got lucky.

Real shit I just want my trial to happen, like now. I miss Stokeley, I miss Nicki, shit I fucking miss Geneva. I know that sounds bad since she's the reason I'm here, but I still love her and I feel like she still loves me too. This was all an accident, she wasn't thinking when she accused me.

My trial is coming up, it's next month. I have evidence that I didn't do it and she got jumped, I can show the text receipts. Nicki and Stokeley haven't visited recently but I think they're coming today.

"Aye Onfroy, go to the showers. You have visitors coming in 15 minutes." Yeah I was right, they're coming today.

*after showers*

I walk to the little table and sit at it, waiting for them to come over. I look to my left to see Stokeley, but I see three women next to him, one of which is Nicki, but I can't tell who the rest are. They walk over here and sit in front of my, and I make eye contact with a woman that I never thought I'd see again, at least not now.

My mother.

*before getting to the jail

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*before getting to the jail

"Hey Nicki, Jahseh's mom asked if she could come with us to visit today. I guess she heard about him being on jail over the news. She hasn't seen him in a really long time, so I said yeah. Get ready cuz we finna leave in like an hour." I nod and go over to the showers and do all my hygiene and get dressed.

Jahseh's mom. I've never met her before and nobody has really talked about her to me, I'm kinda nervous. How would they even explain me? "Oh yeah, here's a practically homeless stranger that we took in a couple months ago." Whatever.

Once we get to her house, I get in the backseat so she can sit in the front. My mom taught me that whenever you pick up an adult, you have to do that out of respect.

A beautiful woman steps in the car, I can really see where Jah gets his looks from. She looks pretty young, but she has this pissed look on her face. Stokeley pulls off and heads to the jail, and unlike the ride to Cleo's house, the ride is dead silent.

We get to the jail and step out, and as soon as Cleo sees me, she gives this look of disgust. Well shit. I look at the ground and walk in before them, not wanting to see her intimidating glares.

We sign in and walk over to the table that Jah is already seated at, and his eyes widen once seeing his mother.

"Why are you here? Why now? You haven't came to my house to see me in the past year, you didn't even let me come to you

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"Why are you here? Why now? You haven't came to my house to see me in the past year, you didn't even let me come to you. You didn't even let me see Aiden, why the fuck are you here?" I haven't seen her in a year, instead of being happy about the fact that I'm seeing her now, I'm just filled with rage. Nicki and Stokeley are whispering to each other, probably feeling uncomfortable.

"Jahseh what is this I'm hearing about you beating a girl? I raised you to be many things, but a woman beater is not one." She reaches over and slaps me in the head, with an angry look on her face.

"Mom I swear I didn't do it. She framed me, I don't know why but she did, I swear." She still has an angry look on her face but she doesn't say anything else for a couple seconds. I wave over to Stokes and Nicki and they wave back, making me smile slightly.

"And who's this hoe? Is she the one that framed you?" Nicki looks down sadly and starts playing with her fingers, something she does when she's nervous.

"No she's not. She's also not a hoe. She lives with us now, it's a long story that isn't mine to tell." My mom gives her a disgusted stare but nods, and we all start to have a small conversation.

"Onfroy, your time is up!" Once a guard says that, I get up and give them all hugs, and I head to my cell. I can't wait to be out of this bitch.

unknown: You might think you know who this is, but here's a warning: think again

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unknown: You might think you know who this is, but here's a warning: think again.

Don't go! (XXXTENTACION)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt