28 - "Don't try shit."

317 4 2

February 10, 2020

I don't like it here. Nope, not one bit. I guess you could say I've started to get used to it... the beating, the stinking, the starving. 6 days. 6 days since I was knocked out, 6 days since I've seen Jah, 6 days that I've been in the comfort of the room I'm so grateful to call my own. 6 long days. That's 6 too many.
"Can you just eat please? For once?" Kehlani comes in with a plate of bacon. I look at her and say nothing. She knows I won't eat, I refuse to. She sets the plate on my lap, and I can't help but grimace.
     "When will I be able to shower?" This is the first time I've talked in a couple days, so my voice is a bit raspy.
     She thinks for a second, then smirks. Oh no. "If you eat this plate, I will let you shower, brush your teeth, change your clothes, everything. If you don't, though, then you will stay down here, covered in your filth." My face drops. I care so fucking much about hygiene, and she knows that. With that, though, I refuse to eat this fucking food. I don't know what type of chemical they could've put in here.
     "That's not fair. I'm not hungry." Her smirk stays, and I don't even know what to do at this point. Do I eat the food and possibly die just for a shower? Honestly, death doesn't even seem to bad at this point, shit that'd be better than the conditions I'm already in. I slowly take a bite of the bacon, trying not to smile because of the satisfaction my stomach feels. I eat the rest of the food quickly, my tongue savoring the taste. Like she promised, she unties my legs, but handcuffs my arms right after. Where did those even come from?
     She takes me up the stairs, and I finally get a look at the rest of the house. It's gross. The walls are covered in old, dirty wood. The floor planks are coming up slightly. She takes me to the bathroom, and un-cuffs me. "Don't try shit."
     The bathroom windows are boarded, and I don't even try to unboard them. I run the shower, undress, and get in quickly. I grab the rag that was on the counter, and I start scrubbing with soap, scrubbing so hard that my arms start to turn red. I wash every part of my body about 5 times, and I just savor the feeling of the water - who knows the next time I'll be able to do this. After about 30 minutes, I step out, finally feeling refreshed. I grab the packaged toothbrush that's on the counter, and I brush my teeth for well over 2 minutes. There's already a set of clothes in the counter that clearly belong to Kehlani, and I put those on. I finally look at myself in the mirror, and the girl I see is one that I don't even recognize. My dark bags under my eyes, my arms having several cuts on them, my paled skin. My hair in an ugly ponytail, my noticeably skinned stomach, my neck having marks from choking.
      After getting tired of seeing that, I slowly open the door to see Kehlani. She cuffs me again, and we make our way back down the stairs. Fuck.

     I need her. I need her so fucking badly. I've been doing nothing but looking and reminiscing at our photos for about an hour. I start thinking of ways I can get her back, when I hear a knock at the front door. I go down to see who it is, hoping that it was Nicki. It was not. Instead, it was Geneva. She tries to hug me, and I step back. I can't do this. Not with this bitch.
      "What the fuck do you want?" She frowns, but I can see through her shit.
     "What do you mean baby?" I scrunch my face up, already ready to kick her out, but then I come up with a plan, one to get Nicki back. I let her in, and we go up to my room.
     "I'm sorry baby, I've just been stressed." She nods, and gets comfortable on my bed. I watch as she lays and goes on her phone. Her phone. That's what I need. I go on the bed next to her, and she tilts her phone a bit so I can't see. I notice her tapping quickly, making me assume she's texting. I turn on the TV, then put my hand on her thigh. I don't want to do this, but in order for the plan to work, I need to seek as loving as possible.
     "Hold on babe, I have to go to the bathroom." She leaves, leaving her phone on my bed. Time for action. As soon as she closes the door, I get to work. I input her password which she has saved as my birthday, and I go through her messages. Obviously there's some from various niggas, but I don't care about that. I open the ones that are to Kehlani, and it's some bullshit until I see Nicki's name.

(bold is Geneva, italics is Kehlani)

"Did you get Nicki?"
"Yes, she's at the house now. Good job on getting Jahseh out the house, it was a lovely distraction."
"Yeah, whatever. Is Ming there?"
"He is, he tried to rape Nicki though. I had to remind him that that wasn't a part of the plan."
"You should've just let him, she deserves it."
"Shut the fuck up, Neva."
"What's the address again? I think I'll pay her a visit soon."
"4731 Greenwood Dr."
4731 Greenwood Drive. That's where she is. I put the phone down quickly, and soon enough, Geneva comes back. "Hey, I forgot, but I have to go to the studio. I'll see you later though, love you." I grab my shit, and Geneva walks out before me. She gives me a disgusting kiss goodbye, and as soon as she leaves, I run to Ski's room. I'm getting her back today. 4731 Greenwood Drive.

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