6 - "͎I͎ t͎r͎u͎s͎t͎ y͎o͎u͎,͎ I͎ j͎u͎s͎t͎ d͎o͎n͎'͎t͎ t͎r͎u͎s͎t͎ h͎e͎r͎.͎"͎

692 17 5

June 5, 2020

It's been a couple days since everything went down, and everything has changed

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

It's been a couple days since everything went down, and everything has changed. Nicki has gotten quieter yet we've gotten closer, but Ski and I have started distancing ourselves. I still don't understand why he'd have to lie about Geneva, that shit ain't cool.

Speaking of Geneva, she's coming over today. I haven't seen her in a bit, and I'm starting to miss her a lot. I hear the doorbell ring, so I sprint down the stairs and tackle Neva with a hug. She giggles and hugs me back tightly, and we pull apart and kiss.

We go into the living room and start watching a movie. Since the lights are off, I can tell thats she's on her phone texting someone. She keeps laughing silently, and it makes my suspicions rise. "Neva baby who are you texting?"

She looks at me with wide eyes, then turns her phone off. "It was nobody babe." I slowly nod as her attention goes to the TV. Her legs were on mine and her head was on the pillow next to us. I look over at her, and can't help but notice how beautiful she is.

y'all this hard asf to write cuz it's abt geneva but it's only for the storyline 😭

Her curly hair, her light skin (btw all shades are beautiful as fuck, i'm not putting down any other shade of black, like i said, it's for the story like. jahsehs thoughts aren't mine.) her nice lips. I love her. So fucking much. She's been there for me through thick and thin, I'll always love her.

She looks up and catches me staring, and she starts to blush. She leans in for a kiss, and it leads to a whole make out session, which is interrupted by Nicki walking down the stairs. She immediately apologizes, covers her eyes, and walks to the kitchen. Neva groans and rolls her eyes. "Why is that stank bitch still here Jah? I'm scared she's going to make a move on you."

"Geneva I told you she's staying here. She won't make a move on me, we're literally just friends, and even if she does, you know my heart belongs to you. I'd never cheat."

"Ya know, it'd be nice if Geneva could say the same." We hear Ski chime in from the kitchen, and I roll my eyes. If that was anybody else, I would've been beating him the fuck up, b it that's my vro, and no matter how much he hates Geneva, I ain't finna ruin that friendship. I already lost Ming.

"Stokeley you don't know what you're talking about, leave." Geneva commanded. Instead of arguing back, Stokeley leaves the room and goes back to the kitchen. "Anyways, I love you too, but if I catch that bitch near you I might just have to fight her."

"Neva that's not necessary, for fucks sake, we live together, you'll see us near each other. Just trust me." Trust. She doesn't trust me. Trust is what we need. Trust is what makes a relationship that'll last.

"I trust you, I just don't trust her. Whatever, Jahseh." She pauses and gets a call, and I couldn't see the name but I know I saw a heart. She wouldn't cheat on me, it's probably her mom or something.

She steps out to take the call, and I take the break to just think about everything. Within the past two weeks, a lot has happened. A stranger moved into my house, that stranger almost got raped by my ex-friend, me and my best friend started to fall out because of my girlfriend, and my girlfriend doesn't even trust me. Damn.

Geneva walks back in and starts to gather her stuff. "I have to go babe, I'll see you later though. Love you." Before I even get the chance to say bye, she already walked out the house.

" Before I even get the chance to say bye, she already walked out the house

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Since I haven't really talked to Kehlani lately, I decide to text her.

Hey Lani, call me when you're free, I got stuff to tell you

She doesn't respond right away, so I just assume she's busy. Honestly, I kinda want a day to myself. Like I don't wanna go anywhere but I don't wanna deal with anybody. I heard Geneva talking about me earlier, like I was going to try to get with Jah. That shit sound dumb as fuck, we're not even friends for real. However, if I hear her speaking on my name again, I will not hesitate to beat her ass. There's no reason my name should be in that bitches mouth if we haven't even had a damn conversation.

It was weird though, because right before she left, I heard some of the phone call, and she was calling somebody else baby... I would tell Jahseh but Stokeley told me what happened when he tried to tell him. I'll just sit back and observe, and hope Jahseh doesn't get too heartbroken.

Don't go! (XXXTENTACION)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat