7- "̾Y̾o̾u̾r̾ m̾o̾t̾h̾e̾r̾ c̾a̾m̾e̾ b̾y̾ m̾y̾ h̾o̾u̾s̾e̾"̾

702 17 0

June 6, 2020

I walk into Jahseh's room to see him on his bed just laying there

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I walk into Jahseh's room to see him on his bed just laying there. "Hey." He looks up at me and pats the bed next to him. I sit there, and we both sit in a calming silence. I take the time to actually look at his features. I study his face, the way his eyebrows are damn near perfect. The way his eyes are a nice hazel brown, but when he's mad they darken. I look at all of his face tattoos, my favorite being the tree.

"It's not nice to stare." He catches me off guard, and I look away blushing. "Wanna do something today? I need a distraction." Distraction from what?

"Sure. What do you wanna do?" He thinks for a second.

"There's this place that I wanna show you, it helps me think. Go get dressed, don't wear anything fancy." I nod and get up, going to shower and get ready. I wonder what it is, he said it helps him think so it must be calming.

After showering and doing my hygiene, I pick out an outfit that Jah got me when we went to the mall.

Not anything too fancy, but still cute

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Not anything too fancy, but still cute. I leave my room and go to the living room to see Jahseh there and ready to go. "You ready?" I nod, and we go to his car.

"Where we going?" I ask after about 20 minutes of driving.

"It's a surprise, you'll see." I sigh because I hate surprises, but I don't complain audibly. I noticed that he put his hand on my leg, but not really in a sexual way, more like a friendly way. The contact is still weird though.

We end up parking by this big hill. Jah goes to the trunk and pulls out some blankets that I didn't know where there. "Follow me." We end up going to the top of the hill, and he places the blankets down. We immediately lay on them and we don't say anything for a little bit. "I call this MakeOutHill. I go here to write, or when I just wanna think. Lately I've been stressed the fuck out and I bet you have too." I listen while looking at the sky. It's starting to get dark, so there's a lot of stars in the sky.

"It's so pretty." He hums in agreement, and in my peripheral I can see that he's looking at me. "It's not nice to stare." He does his infamous 'tahaha' laugh, making me smile. We subconsciously get a little closer, to the point where our arms are touching.

"Ya know, you're not that bad. I'm sorry for coming off as rude before, I just have gotten hurt multiple times before and I don't want it to happen anymore."

"I get it, you don't need to apologize Jah." He looks over at me and nods, and we keep eye contact. I'm the first to look away, as the sky turns completely dark. I check the time, and 10 PM shows. "We should probably get home." As I say that, he starts packing up the stuff we brought, and we go back to the car.

skip car ride

As Jah opens the door, we are Stokeley talking to Kehlani at the kitchen counter. I run over to her and give her a big hug, and she laughs and hugs me back. "Hey, how've you been? Have they been bullying because if so I won't hesitate to beat their asses."

I laugh and pull apart from her. "No they haven't. I have some things to tell you though." She nods, and we walk up to my room.

"So wassup?"

"A lot has happened haha. So first Jahseh was like rude and stuff, but in the past week we've gotten closer, we just got back from this place he calls MakeOutHill. Umm I met some of their friends, they're all cool except Trunks... Trunks um.. he tried to rape me. But Stokeley and Jahseh stopped him before he could even get the tip in, luckily. Uhh.. OH and I met Geneva... I don't like her. She's rude and keep talking about me like I'm not right there. Other than that though, everything's fine." As I explain everything, Lani goes through a lot of emotions.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry that almost happened to you! I'm really happy that they stopped it before anything could happen though.. you don't deserve to go through anything else. And yeah, I don't really like Geneva either. Seems shady. Jahseh loves her though... she's like the only person that keeps him sane and keeps him alive. He treats her so well and with the most respect, I just wish she'd treat him the same way. I'm surprised he took you to MakeOutHill, I haven't even been there, I've just heard stories."

"He said he took me because he goes when he's stressed, and I've been through a lot and seemed stressed." She nods as I speak, and then I get up to put on some pajamas. I'm comfortable changing around her because we basically grew up around each other, were like sisters.

"Your mother came by my house." Those 6 words made me stop everything I was doing and look at her.

"Holy shit what did she say? Are YOU okay? Is she okay?"

"She was looking for you, I said I had no clue where you were. I'm fine, she didn't do anything to me... I don't know if she's okay. I mean shit she hasn't been okay for 7 years." I know that maybe I shouldn't, but in that moment I started to feel bad. Even though she's abusive and probably doesn't love me, that's still my mother and I'll love her forever. My fathers death wasn't easy on me, but I didn't really think about how it affected her. I'm not going back there though. I can't put myself through that again. I'll call her and visit. Soon.

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