Chapter IX- The Battle for Helm's Deep

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"We had time; I'd get this adjusted." The heavy mail fell to the ground with the chinking of metal. The men and Elf glanced at the extra coverage on the floor, but Gimli quickly added: "It's a little tight across the chest."

The company shared a moment before a low, eerie horn came echoing across the valley surrounding Helm's Deep. "That is no Orc horn," Legolas said quickly, motioning for the company to follow up the stairs and out of the armory. Aragorn and Gimli were on his heels, but Boromir grasped Autumn's hand before she followed.

She furrowed her brow, turning to him in bewilderment as to why he'd stopped her. "Boromir, what-," but her words were cut short as Boromir pressed his mouth to hers, cutting her off. His right hand went behind her neck, and his left to her waist, pulling her close. The kiss was unexpected and passionate, and the woman found herself weak in the legs and taken aback.

Boromir stepped forward, pressing her against the cold stone of the wall, his lips trailing down her cheek to her neck. As quickly as it started, it stopped. He chuckled at Autumn's buckled knees and flushed cheeks. "That's it?" she gasped breathlessly.

The Gondorian chuckled, leaning in to kiss her softly once more. "That was to guarantee that you survive the night. I can't show you all my tricks at once-- and I'd like to make sure you have the motivation to come back to me." He reached for her hand, pulling her up the stairs with him. "Let's prepare for battle, shall we?"

Autumn and Boromir exited the armory and came to a stop at what they saw: three hundred Elves, lithe, cloaked in blue and holding curved, golden bows in their hands. Several of the archers held the wispy banners of Lothlórien, and they were all led by the red-cloaked figure of Haldir. He was the only Elf bare-headed, and his armor seemed to gleam silver in the moonlight.

There were slack jaws and wide eyes across the Rohirrim-- none had seen the Elves of the West before. Above all, the most surprised seemed to be King Théoden himself, who emerged from the Hornburg just moments before the Fellowship had come to the stairs.  looking about as stunned as his keep. "How is this possible?" he asked in bewilderment.

"I bring word from Elrond of Rivendell," Haldir stated, dipping his head to bow in respect to the King. "An Alliance once existed between Elves and Men," Haldir explained. "Long ago, we fought and died together," his eyes drifted up to Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Boromir, and Autumn as they slowly descended the stairwell to meet him. "We come now to honor that Allegiance."

"Mae govannean!" Aragorn said gratefully, pulling the Elf into a forced embrace. Haldir looked stunned but chuckled, hugging the Ranger back. "You are most welcome!" he told the Elf.

Legolas greeted his kin, locking arms with one another in silent conversation.

Autumn's mouth was curled in a grin of both happiness and relief: The Elves had come to aid them in battle. "Haldir," she greeted him, hesitating before wrapping her arms around his torso. "Diol lye, amin Mellon. Emme indóme maure tye yenya i ló na- over." The Elvish rolled off her tongue smoothly.  Thank you, my friend. We will need you before the night is over.

The Marchwarden returned her embrace. "Greetings, my lady." He pulled away slowly, gesturing for one of the Elves nearest him to step forward. "Ni have qua an tye." I have something for you. The Elf presented a curved bow from beneath the folds of his blue cloak, handing it to Autumn with a head bowed. The deep mahogany colored wood and quiver of blue-plumed arrows made her jaw drop.

"My bow," she gasped, taking it with shaking hands, her mouth hung in shock. "But, I lost this at Amon Hen!"

Haldir smiled at the excitement and disbelief in the Lady's eyes. "Yes, Lady Galadriel sent scouts to bring it back to Lothlorien before our leavetaking. She knew you would need it, and she knew you had lost it along the way."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2020 ⏰

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