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I quickly stand up and look around, recognizing the place I am in instantly. It would be hard to not recognize the place where the better part of seven years were spent. But how did I get here? I swear I was just on the hospital bed, finally breathing my last.

Well, whatever. Might as well just get this part done so I can get out of here. I walk down the familiar black tunnel to where a bright light is shining. I guess the saying is true, there is always a light shining at the end of every tunnel. It was not a long walk to get to the end of the tunnel, only taking me a minute.

As I walk to the exit of the tunnel, I can't help but feel awed at the scenery before me. I have been through here multiple times, but every single time I am awed by how massive this place is.

The scenery before me is a massive battlefield. This is a war between multiple factions, all vying for victory. Looking out, I can see an entire valley filled with a three way war. On one side is a large mass of undead soldiers, on the other is an army of all types of sentients, ranging from humans to elves, and on the third side is what can only be described as a horde of monsters.

The undead mass do not have any equipment. This follows the undead ideology of quantity over quality perfectly. They would rather kit out the few high powered undead then waste equipment on cannon fodder. After all, why spend time giving something gear that you know is going to die?

The sentient army is decked out in shiny armor and most have swords and shields. Behind the shielded knights lies a group of archers and a group of mages. Unlike most tropes, the archers are mostly made up of humans and the mages are made of gnomes. Where are the elves then? That is obvious, they are the forward knights.

The horde of beasts is on a rampage, constantly killing each other to get to the front and rush to attack the other two factions. Here and there massive monsters dot the horde. A few dragons fly superior in the sky while the ground is ransacked by an unruly bunch of different creatures. There are too many different kinds of creatures to count on the ground, but some of the famous ones are two headed hellhounds, Basilisks, a few Hydra, and many many more legendary creatures.

As the scene unfolds, the three factions race to each other. Just before the start of the massive battle happens, the scene quickly changes.

Now the tunnel ends looking at a tall mountain covered in snow. The side of it is getting blown to smithereens as missiles race away from jets to impact it. Screams ring through the air, and upon further inspection, one would realize that the jets were not aiming at the mountain. No, they were aiming at what was on the mountain. Large groups of soldiers are firing at each other with guns. The two sides continue to fight and fight. Soldiers are being mowed down left in right like wheat on a harvest day.

The soldiers only stopped when a huge explosion rang out. From around the mountain, a huge nuclear explosion starts to expand towards them. The soldiers all drop their guns helplessly as the explosion evaporates the entire mountain and both armies on it. Just before the explosion reaches the mouth of the tunnel, the scene changes one more time.

This time the tunnel is in space. Two massive armadas of interstellar ships are firing on each other endlessly. Multiple ships blow up, but there are always more to replace them. One side looks like it is made of a preschool kid putting together red triangles. On the other is a group of green ships that have an oval form. Laser fire is constantly streaming through space, only stopping upon colliding with something.

Having seen enough, I quickly walk out of the tunnel.

{Ding! Are you sure you want to skip the cutscene? Y/N}

I quickly select Y and the space changes to a small stone room. There isn't anything special about this place. It is literally a hollow stone cube, completely devoid of anything inside except me. No furniture, no welcoming community, nothing.

Wolf's Tail: A LEO JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now