Chapter 50: Let Me Save You One Last Time [P3]

Start from the beginning

As much as she despised Dr. Kai and seeing him hit Jungkook made her blood boil, she knew she had to wait for the right moment to rescue him. She took in another deep breath finally relaxed and calm once again before looking at Jungkook, who was now lying on his side. Her heart hurt to see him in so much pain, but she knew that when she got her chance then she would bring him back to shore and heal him. His pain would only be temporary, that was what she tried to tell herself to persuade her to wait before doing anything rash.

She dove under the water just as another boat came up beside Dr. Kai's boat. She could hear faint talking from above, but couldn't quite make out what was being said while she hid underneath Dr. Kai's boat. Movement of the boat startled her a bit. It was hard to tell what was going on when she was underneath.

She waited patiently, waiting for her chance. She knew though that it wasn't going be soon since Dr. Kai was probably smart enough not to throw Jungkook into the water when another boat was there, but to her surprise she felt the boat rock to one side and in an instant something came splashing into the water. She let out a gasp of shock at the sound. Bubbles surrounded whatever fell into the water and she tried to look past the bubbles, but there were so many of them. Plus, the shark bait was completely surrounding whatever fell into the water. She huffed in annoyance as she poked her head out from under the boat to get a closer look.

It was definitely one of the people on the boat since they were wiggling around. She noticed out of the corner of her eye that two sharks were headed straight for the person. She was hesitant at first to go and stop the sharks because if it was Dr. Kai then she didn't mind as much, but then again it was hard for her to just wait there and watch whoever it was get torn to pieces by the sharks.

Groaning, she reluctantly swam out from under the boat and towards the person. She noticed the sharks speeding up, so she sped up as well and just as the sharks were about a body length away from the person, she swam around the person as fast as she could, hiding the person in a tunnel of bubbles. Then she faced the sharks and took a deep breath before letting her monstrous face appear. Upon seeing her face, the sharks swerved around and swam off in a different direction.

She sighed in relief at that as she let her face form back to its regular appearance. She turned around to see who it was that she had just saved from the sharks and smiled a bit when she noticed that it was Jungkook. However, her smile faded when she noticed the blood coming from his wounds on his face, the very few air bubbles escaping his mouth and nose, his eyes closed, and his body not moving. Realization struck her fast and she grabbed his hands in hers. She zoomed off through the water, gripping his hand firmly in hers and hoping with all her might that she would make it to the beach on time.

She swam and swam, moving her tail as fast as she could while occasionally glancing behind her at Jungkook. She could see the beach not too far away, she was almost there. She was getting tired, but she fought through it.

Reaching the beach at last, she pulled Jungkook onto the sand. She crawled up beside him on the sand, only the tip of her tail still in the water. She placed her ear to his chest to see if she could feel his heartbeat, but she felt nothing. She looked at his stomach to see if it was rising, but it wasn't. She put her ear to his mouth and nose to feel any breathing, but there was none.

Fear rose within her. Was she too late? Did she not go fast enough? She didn't want to believe that Jungkook was dead. She refused to believe it and yet there was no sign that he showed to prove to her that he wasn't dead. Slowly letting it process in her mind, she shook her head vigorously.

"No... no no NO!! Jungkook!!" She exclaimed as she let out shaky breaths. Tears began to form in the corners of her eyes and she grasped his hand in hers, gripping it tightly but lovingly. As she began to sob quietly, she heard footsteps rushing towards her.

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