Chapter 8: New Shell

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Jungkook let out a sigh as he stared off at the window from the living room. Yesterday, he had barely gotten back in time before the others, the manager, and the dance instructor had become nervous of his whereabouts. He had managed to slip into his room and changed out of his swim trunks, successfully changing into some sweatpants. He had wanted to take a shower before the dance practice, but he knew very well that he didn't leave himself any time to do that, so he waited until after his dance practice.

After arriving back at the dorms, he had to hide his wet swim trunks away from the others and had left them drying on the window sill. Unfortunately, the wind had picked up over the course of the day and by the time he had gotten back to his room, his swim trunks were nowhere to be seen. He had looked outside and saw them dangling on a branch of a tree nearby, so he had to jump out of his window to grab them before they disappeared for good.

It was unfortunate though that when he climbed back into his room, his hyungs were all standing there and staring at him with suspicious and confused expressions across their faces. Plus, when they saw him holding his still wet swim trunks in his hand, they became even more confused. He had a hard time trying to come up with an excuse and eventually ended up admitting to the fact that he had gone out earlier to the beach.

The members were surprised, but were also disappointed in him for going out without telling anybody and for going out with any kind of protection. They were less upset about him going out, but more upset about him not telling them and if something had happened to him then they would have no way of knowing.

He had apologized to them for worrying them and promised that he wouldn't go out again without telling them. They forgave him, of course, but still kept a close eye on him after that. He wasn't able to go out and see Y/N again last night and he hasn't been able to go out and see her yet today. The members were all keeping a close eye on him and were suspicious of his trip to the beach. He had told them that he went to the beach for a walk. While some believed his white lie others still had suspicions that he wasn't telling the truth.

He twiddled his thumbs in boredom and nervousness. He could see out of the corner of his eyes, his hyungs kept glancing at him as if worrying that he was just going to go and disappear on them. It was annoying to him and he was finding it difficult to focus on anything with eyes on him.

"Jungkook," Jimin said in a gentle voice as he slid into the seat next to the younger one and slightly nudged at the younger one's arm. Jungkook glanced at his hyung with a questioning look. "Why did you go out on your own like that when you know that it's dangerous?"

Jungkook didn't know how to respond to his hyung. Sure, he knew that it was dangerous for him to go out alone, but he couldn't very well say his real reason. Besides, when he told Taehyung about it he just laughed in his face. If Taehyung out of all of his hyungs, who was just as believing as he was about strange things then Jimin wouldn't believe a word of it either.

"I know and I'm sorry," he only managed to say as he sighed a bit. Jimin sighed as well as he watched the younger one with a worried expression.

"So, what possessed you to go out there, especially since we were told to stay in the dorms? What was so important that made you go out to the beach?" Jimin asked as he waited for Jungkook to answer. The younger one was silent for a moment, debating whether or not to tell the truth or to keep the truth hidden. When he made his decision, he looked at his hyung and shrugged.

"What can I say? The sun was out, the beach wasn't crowded, and the water was calling to me," he voiced in a carefree tone, trying to ease his hyung's mind. Jimin seemed to have bought it and laughed a bit at the choices of words that the younger one used.

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