Chapter 11: Promise Me

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Jungkook panted heavily as he wiped at his face with his towel before taking a big gulp of water. He and the other members were taking a short break from their dance practice. They had started from early in the morning. It was now close to lunch time. The boys were dancing hard. They were all dripping with sweat that was rolling down their faces and running through their shirts.

"Good job boys, we're all done for now. Go and have your lunch. We'll meet back down here at 2:00 pm," the dance instructor insisted as he gave a satisfied smile to the boys. The boys all sighed in relief as they walked out of the dance studio and headed up the stairs. They walked down the hallway to their dorm.

"I'm so hungry!" Taehyung whined as he rubbed his belly hungrily and pouted cutely. The others nodded in agreement. "What are we making? I want japchae."

"I'm going to order something because I don't feel like making anything," Seokjin announced as he took out his phone and tapped on the takeout app before looking at the others, "Who else wants to order take out. Tell me now before I order my stuff."

"Hm, can you get me japchae then?" Taehyung asked with pleading eyes. Seokjin nodded in response.

"I'll get something with meat," Namjoon voiced with a shrug.

"Ok, I'll add another lobster then," Seokjin responded with a grin.

"No, I want meat," Namjoon corrected with a hard look at Seokjin, who rolled his eyes, but gave a nod as he put in the orders of Taehyung and Namjoon before looking at the others.

"I'll have some meat too," Yoongi said as he yawned and ruffled his hair, "I want something different than Namjoon though and make sure it's not spicy." Seokjin nodded, putting in the order then glancing at Jimin, Hoseok, and Jungkook.

"Kimchi please!" Hoseok exclaimed with a cheerful smile as he took a sip of his water. They entered their dorm and started heading to their rooms.

"I'll have chicken I think. Oh and some rice too," Jimin mentioned as he peered over Seokjin's phone, who was adding in the order.

"Um... sushi. Wait no pork! With bread or rice," Jungkook added as he corrected himself while thinking. Seokjin nodded as he added in all of the orders before pressing the checkout button.

"Who's paying?" He asked as he looked up and glanced around at the others.

"Everyone touch noses in 3... 2... 1!" Jimin exclaimed as he and the others all went to touch their index fingers on their noses. Yoongi was the last one to touch his nose with his finger making him sigh while the others laughed in amusement.

"Sigh, I always lose at these kinds of things...," he grumbled with a heavy sigh as he rolled his eyes, "Let me grab my wallet first, hang on." He walked off to his room and grabbed his wallet before coming back out. He opened his wallet and took out his card. He paid for the takeout order quickly. "Alright, I'm going to be in my room. Let me know when the food arrives."

With that, Yoongi walked off to his room and laid down on his bed. Namjoon headed to the living room and sat on a chair while opening up a book to read.

"Should we do a live today while we're eating?" Taehyung asked curiously as he plopped down on the couch.

"Yeah, we haven't done a live all together for a bit, so let's do it," Jimin agreed with a smile and a nod before his smile faded, "Somebody's going to have to go get Yoongi though and if he's sleeping then one of us will have to deal with his wrath."

"Not it!" Jungkook called out as he placed his finger on his nose. Quickly, the others started touching their noses until finally Namjoon was last, but that was simply because he was too busy reading to notice. The maknae line, Seokjin, and Hoseok all glanced at Namjoon, who didn't seem to notice their stares. "Rapmon hyung, can you go get Yoongi for the live?"

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